Got item?

Jan 12, 2010 20:28

[Now, that is odd. That's the third Akuma that's gone into that room to drop off junk.

Actually make that the fourth.


What could they be possibly dumping there?]

[ooc: This is the get items post. Shift through the piles of stuff to find something that may seem all too familiar. The item information is listed here. There have been some updates and if I have any mistakes please let me know. Mingle to your heart's content.

Room Description: The room is full of junks of all sorts. It appears to be a dumping ground of things the South Wing wants to get rid off. They collect in piles until there are enough to throw in a pile and burn. Along with the items of those kidnapped there might be rough sketches of a map. There are also some soul less Akuma frames, magical symbols, knitting needles, and other items. So even if you aren't getting a specific plot item, feel free to find something in here and take it home!

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