[From the outside, when you open the door, the room looks like a warm, inviting tavern, smelling possibly of mulled cider, mom's apple pie, hearty stew... A cozy seat by a roaring fire with spirits just behind the counter for the taking, and that fresh pie cooling on a table.]
[The minute you step over the threshold, however, the trap is sprung. The door disappears behind you, and your feet squelch in a dark liquid--the lights are dim and it smells of rot, death and blood, cloyingly thick. The walls are smeared with gore, profanity and dire predictions, all written obscenely. There's gouge marks across some of the writing.]
[There is no way out back the way you came, just a smooth surface that you can't get through. Ahead is the dimly lit hallway with doors and narrow corridors. Chains and hooks hang from the ceiling, bodies strung up like so much meat, dissected and on display. Maybe you recognize faces, or what's left of faces. Further along who knows what you'll find, but there's bound to be an exit somewhere, if you keep looking.]
[To your left there's a sudden, horrible crunching noise, and a scream--followed by staggeringly ominous silence, broken only by an irregular drip. ... drip. ... ... drip. Somewhere in the distance.]
[If you've been here before you'll notice there's a few changes. Only two branches of the corridor from your starting point, and the liquid, dark and rotting, is already up to your ankles. Things watch you from the shadows, and instead of the empty feeling of ghostly dread, the place is permeated with predatory malice.]
[You may be familiar with the feeling of being hunted.]
((OOC: The maze of horror returns, only way out is to find the exit. Threadjacking and hopping is fine and encouraged! As is making up monsters and horrible scenes to scar and scare. Unless you indicate you'd like to keep a thread free of him, I'll be having Tyki encounter everyone as he, and they, try to get out of this mysterious set of hallways.))
((If you want a more tailor made experience please
fill this out!))