(no subject)

Mar 23, 2011 01:51

[Whether you were headed to a courtyard to smoke, to a kitchen to eat, or to a bedroom to nap, it doesn't matter - you will find yourself at the beginning of a very long hallway. While it looks normal, the hallway is full of doors that are anything but.]

[Some doors are big and ominous, like that of an old cathedral. Others are almost futuristic, and make slight whirring sounds when they open. Others look like what one would find in an antique dollhouse. Some doors might even look familiar, like something from your childhood. Some are painted in languages that only the really, really old (read: magical) may be able to read. There's even one that looks like it is growing seaweed and barnacles.]

[And one of them - any one of them - is pulling you closer. Guiding. Ushering]

[[BALLROOM STYLE. Anything can be on the other side of the doors: anything from an average bar, to courtyards that look like fragments of other a character's world, to other rooms in the dressing room..... one or two might lead down to the lower levels of the DR. Anything goes! Go wild!]]

[[Permissions will be added if it deems necessary, but for now just have a blast!]]

the fourteenth (dualmelody)

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