[This hallway near the South Wing is quiet. Too quiet. A few lights dangle and sway from the ceiling, casting uneven shadows over the walls, the floor, everywhere really. Seems like someone could jump out of the shadows at any moment and catch their prey quiet unaware]
[So are you the hunter or the hunted?]
[[ooc: Conclusion of the event (or at
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Yet he still hums "Brown-Eyed Girl" as he walks down the hall, hands in his pockets. It keeps him from noticing the quiet, eye watching the shadows warily though none of it shows in his face.]
Oh, Bookman Junior. Your kind are always the biggest troublemakers.
Smiles~] Afraid Booky isn't in any condition to talk, dear Road. You've just got myself to talk to~
Talk~ Do you think you can sweet talk your way out of this?
...What am I supposed to be sweet talking my way out of? I gave one of you a birthday present.
I missed seeing you at the family dinner. Now~ why could that be? I thought I made myself perfectly clear.
There was a note somewhere? [Blinks.] I don't remember seeing it. Besides, I've had a bit of a time with Booky going nutso upstairs.
Oh good. Then I can give you a small task, and you'll do it. [That is not a request, that is an order] Family business, of course.
One from the Earl? [Because Eldest Child or not the Memory of Pleasure has no desire to follow orders in general.]
It seems we have a double agent among our mists. Not a family member, just someone's services we employ.
Which makes them all the more expendable. And I'm sure you're the perfect sibling for the job.
A double agent, mm? [First he's heard of it, actually. He and Spy didn't uh...talk much.] And what am I to do with this expendable?
[Smile smile~ How many agents of the Noah does Joyd know anyway]
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