
Dec 01, 2011 00:27

[Do you know where you are?

Or, rather, do you know where you werePerhaps it was midnight and you were warm in your bed. Perhaps it was early morning, and you were curled up on your couch. It matters not when or where you've fallen asleep -- you are now not where you thought you were ( Read more... )

canon!rhode kamelot

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fallforthesky December 2 2011, 00:08:26 UTC
[What's off is perhaps that there's a person intruding on his dream. Not that she means to- but as long as she's here, maybe she ought to make the most of it. Which is why the grass behind him rustles softly, as she approaches and then drapes a blanket around his shoulders.]

You're going to catch cold like that.


desiredhumanity December 2 2011, 00:30:36 UTC
[He looks over his shoulder to look up at her. Slightly taken back. Lenalees are a rarity in this place sadly.]

Lenalee? [His voice is wary not believing that she is beside him. Maybe she's part of this dream? But he honestly hopes she isn't.]


fallforthesky December 2 2011, 01:03:42 UTC
[It's true that there aren't very many of her in this place nowadays, so she gives him a small smile as if to reassure him that yes, she's here right now.] If you aren't careful, you're going to get sick.


desiredhumanity December 2 2011, 01:12:24 UTC
[There's a sigh of relief before he gestures for her to sit next to him.]

I can say the same to you.

[If she's wearing a skirt don't be surprised to have that blanket over you,Lenalee. He never understood why Lenalees wore such small skirts even while it was cold. Since his Lenalee didn't possess innocence he wasn't aware of how useful skirts were versus pants.]


fallforthesky December 2 2011, 01:31:01 UTC
[Plops down next to him, automatically drawing her legs up to conserve warmth, but he's already moving to pull the blanket over her. She curls her fingers in the edge.] It's fine; I'm used to these temperatures. Though normally I have a coat...


desiredhumanity December 2 2011, 01:45:01 UTC
[But not at the moment. Kanda will not be responsible for getting her sick....Komui would kill him /shudders. ]

Same here. [A few stars start to fall taking a form of a shooting star. Looking up a frown starts to form.]


fallforthesky December 2 2011, 02:57:03 UTC
[Brother would only half-kill him! She pulls the blanket tighter around them both, leaning briefly against shoulder to get his attention again.] So... what are you doing out here?


desiredhumanity December 2 2011, 03:10:46 UTC
[He still doesn't want to be half-dead. Stiffening slightly he's not keen to being touched, but it's Lenalee so he lets it pass.]

Don't know. I just ended up here. And you? What are you doing here?

[His eyes narrow suspiciously, but only for a brief moment. He can't feel any ill intent from her so he relaxes.]


fallforthesky December 2 2011, 07:19:25 UTC
[The way he tenses doesn't go unnoticed. She straightens again and offers a sidelong, apologetic sort of half-smile.] I fell asleep and woke up in this field.


desiredhumanity December 2 2011, 22:58:43 UTC
Ah. The dressing room must have brought you here...

[There are faint screams of joy coming from the behind them followed by soft footsteps. Another scream is heard as Kanda is tackled from behind. Kanda grumbles from the sudden impact. The child clings to him only to be followed by three others who do the same. They pile on top of him screaming 'kanda' and 'We found you.' They have yet to notice Lenalee. Which in this case might be a good thing. Unless she wants to be piled on.]


fallforthesky December 3 2011, 00:08:58 UTC
It does that, sometimes... [She's about to say more when the children suddenly dogpile Kanda, effectively distracting her from her previous train of thought. She doesn't quite know what to say to this, you see.] C-Careful!


desiredhumanity December 3 2011, 00:34:24 UTC
[They continue to fuss over a scowling Kanda. He starts to pry the children off him. The smallest one out of the four is the first to notice Lenalee. Giving her a cheesy smile.]

Hi. [Kanda whose has the other three on his lap glances at the smaller one. If she looks carefully she might see a small smile forming.]


fallforthesky December 3 2011, 08:02:49 UTC
[It's strange to see children being so affectionate towards Kanda. She remembers thinking he was the sort of person who could make a child cry simply by looking at them, so this is a startling change.

But she can't help but smile back at the smallest.] ...Hello.

[Glances at Kanda as if to silently ask him if this is all right with him, and that's when she catches that hint of a smile.

Kanda, you're... happy to see them?]


desiredhumanity December 3 2011, 17:20:40 UTC
[Well, yes. The last time he saw them weren't in good circumstances, but he will never admit this. Glaring at the children who are in his lap. Muttering scram they all but one scurry off to play in the field. The smaller one sits besides Lenalee staring at her with curiosity]

Yuu, whose this? [Glaring at the child for using his first name]

It's Kanda you little brat. [He'll let Lenalee introduce herself to busy glaring at the Kid]


fallforthesky December 4 2011, 08:47:30 UTC
[Well, he doesn't exactly have to admit it for her to realize. Lenalee has had long enough with her own Kanda's tsun ways to understand how he might be feeling right now, even if he's as short and caustic as always. She smiles at the child and offers her portion of the blanket.]

My name's Lenalee.


desiredhumanity December 4 2011, 22:21:04 UTC
That's a pretty name.

[The child scoots closer and wraps the blanket around himself. Smiling. But there's something wrong. Everything starts to slowly fade away. The children disappear as well as the field only to be replaced by a darker room. They are both standing in a middle of a ballroom there was a smell of burning flesh around them. The lights suddenly start to turn on. There were dead bodies all around them. A few of the bodies have been stabbed others burned to unrecognization. A mini Kanda stood in front of the entrance. He was drenched in blood, and he held a knife in one hand. Rouvelier appeared behind him pleased with what the younger Kanda had done. The younger version of himself smirked his eyes were glowing red a look of satisfaction crossed his face when he viewed the sight around him.

Older Kanda looked away from the sight. This was a nightmare.]


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