I was on another community earlier and noticed that someone had made a couples blog crew. That's quite interesting, isn't it? Especially since it series it was created for has such a wide array of characters and had the prospect over because a large crew. It's a wonderful idea in my opinion. Especially since no one (to my knowledge) has done anything like that for the D.Gray-man series.
D.Gray-man Pairings Blog Crew
(accepting het, yaoi, yuri, inanimate objects*, and threesomes)
Allen x Lenalee ;
rebellingAllen x Lenalee x Lavi ;
akeno_yukiAllen x Road ;
chichileinCross x Allen ;
dr_ghostCross x Cloud9 ;
erewhileCross x Lavi ;
eloqueCross x Maria ;
dragonspeakerCross x Tyki ;
deadbasslineDebitt x Jasdero ;
debittFou x Allen x Bak ;
niwakaameKanda x Allen ;
revenusKanda x Lenalee ;
sweeteningKanda x Lenalee x Lavi ;
light_flowerKanda x Mugen ;
advisory <--- lookie a weirdo!
Kanda x Soba ;
reinmagick <-- an unique individual.
Lavi x Allen ;
arivessLavi x Kanda ;
shisamaLavi x Kanda x Allen ;
yuulinLavi x Lavi ;
nekoi_echizenLavi x Lenalee ;
deep_in_comaLavi x Mugen ;
xjust_anotherx <--- weirdo
Lavi x Miranda ;
zanile5Lavi x Ōdzuchi Kodzuchi ;
hayley_beth24 <--- another one
Lavi x Reever ;
animalboythingThe Earl of the Millennium x Relo ;
semeruTimcanpy x Allen ;
midnightbansheeTyki x Allen ;
pinnacle_starTyki x Kanda ;
sayora347Tyki x Kanda x Allen ;
dancevdragonTyki x Komui x Krory ;
stressbeertjeTyki x Lavi ;
weston_cityTyki x Lavi x Allen ;
mewelineTyki x Lenalee ;
lain27Tyki x Road ;
comiter Profile/whatever code:
死さま ♥'s ラビ x 神田】
【http://community.livejournal.com/dgray_man/581850.html">your name here ♥'s insert pairing here】 * I've seen that Kanda/Mugen art you weirdos.