Apr 11, 2012 19:57
The purpose of this guide is to familiarize those new to RPing on livejournal with some of its more common elements, and to allow players to write in any tense or style they like while still keeping things readable (it would be pretty annoying to see four different styles within the same post).
1. Title
Every post's title must include (Open to: ) and (Style: ).
▸ (Open to: ) is how you tell people who can comment on the post. Most posts should be labeled as (Open to: all), however, sometimes you're only looking to talk to one or a few specific people. If that's the case, say (Open to: ). Keep in mind that this option bars anyone but those characters from commenting. If you'd like to keep your post open to everyone but are hoping someone in particular shows up, leave it open to all and tag that character. It's a good idea to check your character tag in the main community when you log in.
▸ (Style: ) is how you indicate the point of view, tense, and length of comments in your post. You should indicate all three elements. You MUST decide what style you'd like to use, and include this information. Every comment in that post must be written in the style the title indicates. Here are some common options:
Point of view:
- First person
- Third person
- Past
- Present
- One-line (This option is good for quick, non-serious, dialogue-driven posts.)
- Semipara (A portion of a paragraph. This is a very versatile option.)
- Paragraph (Obviously, a paragraph. This is good for more plot-driven posts or heavier moments, generally.)
- Multipara (Multiple paragraphs. If you want to accomplish a lot of storyline, this is a good bet.)
- Novella (Longer than a short story, but shorter than a novel. Great for involved storylines.)
So, for example, I might indicate (Open to: Staff) (Style: First person present, semipara).
2. Body
▸ Any image larger than your icon must be behind a cut.
▸ Long blocks of text must be behind a cut.
3. Tags
Tag yourself and the character(s) you wish to talk to. It's not necessary to tag every character that comments. If your post is related to an event, put that event (such as placement testing or a trip) in the tag.
We'd really like to let you just tag as you please, but LJ isn't down with that. If you ever try to add a tag it won't accept, message a mod and we'll add it for you.
4. Mood
Not required, but go ahead and use it if you feel like it.
5. Location
Include the location your post begins at. This would either be a place on campus, or a place in the world in the event that your character is on a trip.
6. Music
What you're listening to isn't relevant to the world of the RP. Don't include it.
7. Should I lock my post?
Only if it contains graphic violence, sex, or other explicit content.
8. Thread continuation/Reply posts
If your thread gets too long and you'd like to move it into its own post, use (Re: ) in the title, and continue in the manner you'd normally use for posts. That means you do need to indicate (Open to: ), (Style: ), and location, and tag appropriately.
It's also really nice to link to the place your thread started at, but you don't have to do it.
9. Please take a moment to proofread before you post, and have spellcheck enabled or your browser, or use LJ's spellchecker.
10. Some standard formatting stuff
▸ If you want to say anything OOC, it goes inside brackets.
▸ Italics denote character thought.
If you have questions like, 'How do I make a cut?' and 'How do I make a link?' you should consult LJ's FAQ. There's directions for all sorts of fancy things.
posting guide