Title: A Choice
Characters and/or pairings: Severus Snape
Word count: 1,454
Rating: PG-13
Highlight for Warnings: *Canon character death*
Summary and/or prompt: Snape’s thoughts as he looks at Harry for the final time.
If Severus had a choice between saving the world and saving himself, he would choose himself. Every time. )
Comments 25
Thank you, Mystery Author!
And if he does, whether he can convince the victor that he’s been an ally all along, whomever the victor may be.
This is the Severus I find most believable -- not someone pining in unrealistic love of a woman long dead, an ideal who never really existed, but a man working for himself -- not even in a callous way, but in the only way that lets him survive.
Excellent job.
You've captured so well the absolute horror I imagine his life to be and the parallels between him and Harry, the two pawns of two powerful, terrible men.
Love the explanation of the "WTF" moment in the film that places Severus at the scene of the Potters' murders:
He also wants forgiveness, because he’s human and he’s weak, and he accidentally sheds a false memory, or more like a dark fantasy, of crying over Lily’s corpse. Harry reaches out and bottles his testimony like a potion.
Just terrific!
Yes, that's it exactly. I find it suspect that Snape would cling to one megalomaniac, and then essentially switch allegiance to another. What a terrible way to live.
And there was definitely a bit of movie-canon correction going on here. "WTF" indeed. :) Thank you for reading!
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