Playing catch-up some more

Mar 02, 2017 21:56

Things I've finished watching recently

The Librarians S3: CASSANDRA KISSED A GIRL. Yep. That's basically my main take-away of this season.

Things I finished reading a while ago

Star Wars Princess Leia
Lucifer v2 1-6
DC Comics Bomshells 1-36 (Year One)
Spider-Gwen v2 1-6
Toil and trouble 1-6
The Spire 1-8
The Grass King's Concubine
Les Ogres-Dieux: Demi-Sang
Les Quatre de Baker Street 1-5
Les Quatre de Baker Street 7
Locke & Key, Master Edition, 1-3

Paris fais nous peur
Sillage 1-19
Les Ogres-Dieux: Demi-Sang (reread)
Les Ogres-Dieux: Petit (reread)
La Page Balnche (reread)
Culottées 1 & 2

I read too many comics.

This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.

on the telly box, reading wednesday

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