LJ Friends Meme by coolerq

May 06, 2011 23:30

LJ Friends Meme by coolerq
• You must tell 4 people about this game. (sure, sure...)

• Changmin is the one that you love.
O_________O yeshhh he is ...LOVE LOVE LOVE

• Kyuhyun is one you like but can't work out.
hmm...sometimes he is kinda...I dunno I still prefer Changmin

• You care most about Tian.
nawww, my little brother

• Wendy is the one who knows you very well.
hmmm...I guess she is, told her some things in primary school that are PRETTY embarrassing...and private.

• Mum is your lucky star.
I love MY MUM...AND IT'S MOTHERS DAY ON SUNDAYYYY...but she's in melbourne at the moment -_______-

• Love in the Ice is the song that matches with Changmin.
well Changmin did write it~! and it's a beautiful song

• Before U Go is the song for Kyuhyun.
hmmm...I dunno, I think it's for Yunho, but...

• Mirotic is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
O__________O I think about sex...LOL, umm *double takes and raises shisus eyebrows* I got youuu~uuuu Under my skin~

• and Purple Line is the song telling you how you feel about life
arghhhh sooo true! I really am  trying to do well in highschool so I can be a doctor/lawyer or whatever. BUT I am doing so bad lately at school and ARGH!...

"purple line let me set up my world
the path that nobody ever walked this way
while embracing my dreams, i’m searching for my way
to live my on way My progression
holding this strong inclination
(here it begins) i will (solve)
the passion of Purple Line"

the quiz is here: http://www.comclub.org/lj/fsquiz.php


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