May 12, 2009 15:24
I am now on dreamwidth... my username over there is Dhani_mouse (since some people call me Dhani and some people call me Mouse.. it was easier to just combine the two :) LOL
*yay* Thanks Elizabear for the invite!!! :)
May 10, 2009 16:10
- 20:45 @ chrystie69 Have fun!! It is a great movie! #
- 21:21 Going to dinner at red robin then star trek movie #
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May 08, 2009 16:08
- 19:24 At game keeper #
- 13:43 @ hfcougar why stressed and paranoid? *hugs* #
- 14:09 sick and tired of being sick and tired!! Grumble.. #
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May 05, 2009 22:35
if anyone has an extra dreamwidth invite code, I wouldn't mind one.. thanks!
May 05, 2009 16:08
- 08:52 Bringing the little spawn to dr for follow up from her er visit #
- 09:24 For the record burping while drinking iced coffee hurts #
- 10:41 Spawn is having an ekg #
- 13:13 Ekg looked normal will post update when i get home #
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May 05, 2009 14:22
Running out of spoons... anyone got some extras I can have... *Please??*
May 03, 2009 16:05
- 19:10 At hospital with catey she is having problems breathing #
- 20:28 Just left hospital no known cause for cateys breathing issues
heading to RI now # - 21:49 Home... Still no clue as to why she had probs breathing... she is still having some issues... she is sleeping with me tonight so I can watch #
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