hey you guys, you know what? i fucking hate my life. i hate backstabbers..i hate guys..i hate myself..i hate everything around me. i hate friends!! goddd!!!
lately i have been really busy...i am getting my permit next week hopefully..i am remodeling my house..yay..woo hoo...i am still boyfriendless...but oh well..
1. Make an LJ-cut post with "DO NOT READ" as the text. 2. Do not select a 'mood' for this post. 3. If anyone clicks the cut, they are to comment and admit to doing so. 4. Anyone who reads this also has to do the same in THEIR journal, thus continuing the neverending madness.
yum..i'm eating icing..hehe...hyperness..anywho..i got a henna tattoo thursday it is orange rite now but should turn black today or tomorrow..i went to new orleans and got a voodoo doll, a shirt, and the tattoo..it supposedly means princess...lol..