Wardrobe Post

Jan 15, 2012 00:39

My wardrobe is Gothic and Classic with a tiny bit of Steampunk. I like wearing vintage accessories with my lolita. I have been wearing lolita for 3 years, but this is my first time doing a wardrobe post, because this is the first time I felt like I had enough clothes to merit posting.
This post contains some real fur.

I'm a skirt girl, so I only own 1 OP and no JSKs.

Old School OP with matching pad headdress

Handmade for me by my mother


Ergi, Innocent World

Innocent World

Black Peace Now underskirt with overskirt

Bodyline, vintage capelet


vintage, vintage, Malco Modes
I usually wear both vintage pettis at the same time.


Innocent World, Target
The Target blouse is impossible to photograph, but it had a high collar and 4 layers of ruffles on the front.

Express, Bodyline

Hot Topic, Target
My boystyle shirt and my casual shirt for hot weather. Iowa gets hot in the summer.


Rue 21, Express


The collar is real fur. I only wear vintage fur, not new.

Victorian Capes

They're both true black; the flash kind of washed them out. Sadly, neither one is in wearable condition right now, but they're still beautiful.


Na Na, vintage, Hot Topic (T.U.K.), Gabriella Rocha, Skechers


Upper left: Hot Topic, Everything else: vintage


Back row: modified off-brand, vintage Middle row: antique, vintage Front row: Bodyline, off-brand, hand-made not by me
I forgot to photograph my boater.


Upper left: Pylones Everything else: off-brand

Bloomers and leg coverings

Bloomers: Target Socks: Innocent World, Secret Shop, Hot Topic, Leg Avenue, everything else off-brand


Express, off-brand, Hot Topic, Avon, everything else vintage

Other Jewelery

vintage, everything else purchased in India
I didn't bother to photograph everything, just my most worn/most interesting pieces.

This ring is hard to photograph well, but the center stone is black star diopside. It has a cross asterism, so I think it's perfect for Gothic jewelery.

I hope you enjoyed my post.
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