listening to music is so much more fun than sleeping
if it isnt snowing right now, which i cant really tell from looking out my window, its gonna snow tomorrow!!! (errr, later today) I cant wait except for the cold and wet part, that i could wait for.
Just to let people know, I am now selling my services as a DVD "back-up" person. So basically, if you want a copy of a DVD that you "legally own" I can do that for you (for a small fee of course, DVDs aint free).
I've been wanting a Chinese Chicken Salad from Comforts recently but I can't get one because they are renovating or something. Does any1 wanna have a comforts party on monday (the 11th) when they reopen?
I've never done any +/- things before, so ill give it a try:
+++++ Life is close to perfect. +++ Nothing could make me happier. --- 2 Finals this week. + I get to retake one of the finals if I dont like my score.