Maybe if you weren't such a fucking ASSHOLE to everyone David, you'd have MORE FRIENDS. I'm not saying this out of hate.. it's just the cold hard honest truth, whether you want to believe it or not. You need to change your ways, & not just for other people, but for your own sake. Think about it.
Yah you don't get close.. & then you fuck them over when they want you to. I know for a fact that i'm not the only one actually. Just fuck you David, I don't care anymore. You're fucking dead to me now.
Comments 37
I'm not saying this out of hate.. it's just the cold hard honest truth, whether you want to believe it or not.
You need to change your ways, & not just for other people, but for your own sake.
Think about it.
i just dont get close to them
really honestly, your about the only person that bitches about me being such an asshole.
I know for a fact that i'm not the only one actually.
Just fuck you David, I don't care anymore.
You're fucking dead to me now.
well then who is the other people, cause i really would like to know
or something like that.
me and u and ashlee all need to hang out like we planned, what 3 months ago?
give me a call and let me know
we went up to hooters, but it was too late and i didnt think you would want to go. lol
i've been sick the last couple days
been going to bed at like 8:30
well we might be going to the beach with lynn on fri, but you have school. soo. lol
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