Type your username with your:
nose: deyhqst654r
elbow: fhjnqwsdtrasr
tongue: 4d 7hq3stva (thats just nasty)
chin: cxhnbqastrfare
feet: hyuqqw65taq45
eyes closed and one finger: dhqstar (wow)
back of hand: 4ey2qds6ta5r
palm: dfhjnwqsart
mouse: dhqstar
wrist: dhjy1sar
jabzoog i suck more.
thats fun.
Comments 2
nose: degv9il usagi
elbow: deviul ujxssagbiu
tongue: dedvkil usagi (NASTY!!!)
chin: cde vbil 8usagbi
feet: devfiol yusaaaygggiiii
eyes closed and one finger: devil usaho
back of hand: der3vfilo u7jdwsqazgik
palm: devgfb lo usagi
mouse: devil usagio
wrist: revil ufdsdsahgi
hey~!! not to bad then I thought (0-<)~*
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