[Picspam] 30 Favorite Walter/Peter scenes

Jun 02, 2010 22:29

Remember that Walter/Peter vid I was trying to make? Well, like I said, it didn't work. But then something funny happened. I decided to try and list all the scenes I felt like using in a vid for future reference, but by doing that list, instead of having an idea for a vid, I had an idea for a picspam.
It's great, 'cause, at first, it was going to be my 5 favorite Walter/Peter scenes… but then it grew and became my 10 favorite scenes… but then I couldn't narrow them down and it became my 20 favorite scenes… but then I couldn't decide between a few of them and 20 became 25… and from 25, the jump to 30 was just the next step. What can I say, I just can't make small spams! The urge to make them massive is in my blood!!!

But that's not the funny part, no.
What's funny is that I joined jjverse that same day (GO TEAM FRINGE!) and one of the open challenges there, was this Big Bang challenge, in which one of the things you could do to complete it was what? A PICSPAM! I thought that was a cute little coincidence.

So here's my Big Bang entry.
Actually, they say you have to do 6 picspams of 30 caps, but 1 massive picspam of 180 also counts, so I guess my instinct to make massive spams worked to my advantage this time!

And also important: if you feel like posting it on Tumblr or anywhere else, PLEASE CREDIT ME! I took 185 caps, in total, every single one of them, one by one (what can I say? Evidently, I enjoy pain).

(note: I decided to list them chronologically. I just couldn't pick favorites even if I wanted to!)

(1x02 "The Same Old Story")Walter: … zero… one… one… two… three… eight… thirteen… twenty-one… thirty-four… fifty-five…
Peter: Hey, Walter!
Walter: You're awake, Peter? Me too. I was trying to lull myself to sleep.
Peter: Yeah, I'm... I'm aware of that. I can hear you. You think you could do that in your head?
Walter: Wasn't I? I thought I was. Sorry.
Peter: That's okay. Just try and keep it down, all right?
Walter: One... two... thirty-three... three... seventy-seven... two... twenty-one... six... a hundred and ten...
Peter: (gently) Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...
Walter: (concerned) Son? Is that you?
Peter: Yes, Walter, it's me. Stop talking and close your eyes, okay? Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily… life is but a dream…
For some reason, I thought this scene was so sweet the first time I saw it. And I still do.
It's early days, so Peter was still acting like an annoying brat at times (honestly, the snarky comments were funny the first few times, but it got old very quickly), he still didn't want to be there, and Walter wouldn't let him sleep, so he's quite pissed, I'll give him that. Still, I like how, instead of going into an argument about how annoyed he is by it, he decided to sing to Walter the song that, earlier in the episode, Walter had admitted helped him fall asleep. I mean, he was just trying to sleep, but I still thought that was sweet of him to do it. Besides, it made Walter smile, and that's always a plus in my book. :)

#02 DADDY?
(1x07 "In Which We Meet Mr. Jones")Broyles: This can't possibly be scientific!
Walter: Peter, look at me.
Peter: Daddy?
Aw! It was a brief moment, it lasted about 2 seconds, but I can't help it! I loved it! Peter called him "Daddy"! How sweet is that?
I mean, yes, he was heavily drugged, but whatever! Walter liked it and I liked it!

(1x08 "The Equation")Peter: Walter? Are you okay?
Walter: I'd like to go home now.
Peter: Of course, we'll go right now.
Walter: I've - I've failed. It was all for nothing. Dashiell went on and on like an incoherent loon about being taken to dungeons and red castles... Son, is that what it's like to talk to me?
Peter: Walter... Let's go home.
Poor Walter. It must be so hard for him, trying to make sense of the world around him and not being able to. He was really brave, deciding to go back to St. Claire's. And, in the end, it actually worked! Of course they didn't know it in this scene yet...
What I really loved about this episode was that I think it was the first time we actually saw Peter worried about Walter. In the first episode, the last thing he wanted was to visit his father in St. Claire's, and in this episode, the last thing he wanted was to watch Walter go back to St. Claire's.
Also, as you might be able to notice in this spam, I love concerned!Peter, so there's that...

(1x08 "The Equation")Peter: You know, what you did by going back into that place was very, very brave, Walter.
Walter: Thank you, son.
BONDING! I love these two!
Another thing you might be able to notice: I just love it when they smile at each other. Peter in particular, because he rarely smiled at Walter in the early days.

(1x12 "The No-Brainer")Peter: Walter, there's a woman here who wants to talk to you.
Walter: She pretty?
Peter: She's right there. Now, look... If you need me, I'll be right here. If you need to end the conversation for any reason, you just say the word.
This was quite an interesting episode in terms of the Peter-Walter relationship. Throughout the whole thing, Peter just kept trying to make sure that Walter never met the woman who wanted to talk to him, the mother of the student who died in his lab. He was so worried about what would happen to Walter, he probably feared that he would go crazy and go back to St. Claire's.
Yeah, Peter may try to deny it, but we all know he loves Walter. :)
Also, how lovely was Peter at the end, telling Olivia about his fear of losing his father? *hugs Peter*

(1x16 "Unleashed")Walter: Peter, no!
Peter: Walter, we talked about sharing.
Walter: That's not to eat! You've ruined it.
Peter: It's an omelet.
Walter: It's not an omelet! (lifts top of the "omelet". There's an ear in it)
Peter: Oh, my-- GUH! Walter, why is there an ear in the omelet?
Walter: It was an experiment. It was a protein-rich incubator. It was growing.
Peter: It was growing? That's perfect.
Walter: No, it's not perfect. You just ruined it! And you could have died, had you eaten it.
Peter: You know, maybe in the future you could do me a favor and just put up a sign warning me not to confuse your toxic playthings with breakfast.
Walter: Maybe you should get your own breakfast and not poach mine.
Peter: That's hardly the point. Remember yesterday when I nearly washed my face in a sink full of acid? Or three days ago, you hooked up Gene up to the solar panels and I nearly electrocuted myself!
Walter: This is a lab. You're the one who should be careful. I trust you look both ways when you cross the street.
Peter: Yeah, but the difference being that if I don't, I'm the only one who gets flattened. You, Walter, you live in a society with other people!
Astrid: Hey.
Peter & Walter: WHAT?!?!
HAHA! I love this scene so much.
Yes, Peter and Walter's relationship is heartbreaking and heartwarming at times, the bonding moments are lovely and the angst kills your soul, but FRELL it's so funny sometimes! I really, really wanted to have seen Gene hooked up to solar panels and then Peter getting electrocuted. It sounds like such a Looney Toons moment!
I kind of love how they both yell at poor Astrid, as if going "CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE BUSY DISCUSSING VERY IMPORTANT ISSUES RIGHT NOW?" Ha! I love them.
(note: I was actually going to put up a cap of the omelet, but it's disgusting, so I didn't)

(1x16 "Unleashed")Peter: Hey, open this up right now.
Walter: I'm afraid I can't do that, Peter. No one else is going to get hurt. This thing is a mistake, and I'm going to correct it, alone.
Peter: Walter! Hey! Walter... You open this gate right now!
Walter: You were right, Peter. I live in a society - and I need to clean up after myself.
Peter: Walter, it's not your fault. You did not do this.
Walter: No, but I could have. I pursued the same science...
Olivia: Walter, Walter, you're not prepared for this. That thing could tear you apart.
Walter: You're right. I had almost forgot. I've already considered that possibility. (swallows the poison)
Peter: Walter, is that the Trichlorimide? No, no, no! What are you doing? That's gonna kill you!
Walter: Should the creature consume me, it will only be poisoning itself. Afterwards, you remove its blood and save Agent Francis.
Peter: Walter, listen to me. I don't want you to do this. Okay? Do you hear what I'm saying? I do not want you to do this!
Walter: Should I live, there's an antidote in the lab, which I should ingest within the hour. So time is of the essence.
Peter: Walter. Walter, stop right there! Walter, come back here! Stop right now! Walter!
Oh my! This is one of my favorites. Look at the pain in Walter's eyes and just how desperate Peter was to get to him... I think it was this episode that made me love their relationship so much, and if it wasn't this one in particular, it still made me love them more and more. I love how you can see their relationship growing in the series, and it goes just at the right pace, in my opinion. Not too slow and not too fast either. If this scene had happened in episode 2, then that probably would have been weird.
I also love that, even though Peter did manage to get to him, it's Walter who saved the day.
Also, THANK HEAVENS for internet transcripts, otherwise I never would have guessed the poison thingy was called Trichlorimide. I can't even pronounce it properly. Hell, I can't even read it…

(1x19 "The Road Not Taken")Peter: Here's the deal. Walter, the project that I've been working on was for you.
Walter: For me?
Peter: It reconstructs audio. I wanted you to be able to digitize some of those old water-damaged vinyl records you have. I know how much they mean to you.
Walter: Thank you, son. (to Astrid) You know, when he was five, he - he built me a popsicle napkin holder. Dreadful design. Utterly useless.
Peter: Thank you.
Walter: But this - this is...
Peter: You're welcome.
Astrid: (to Peter) You sound just like him.
AW! Just look at those two! Look how happy Walter is! ♥
I won't deny that I pretty much rolled my eyes at this scene because of the whole listening-to-the-glass-like-it's-a-record thing, but to be honest? Who cares about the science in this show anyway when you've got a moment like this? *hugs Walter and Peter*
What made this scene extra special was to watch Peter pretty much go into Walter-mode when explaining the device. Astrid's right, he did sound like his father!

(1x19 "The Road Not Taken")Peter: Hey. Hey. Walter. What just happened?
I know this lasted for a little over 20 seconds, but just like I said, I love concerned!Peter, so I loved this little moment between them. Besides, watching Walter cry makes me cry. Always. Damn you, John Noble, why are you so good?
The first part of this scene, with Olivia, was particularly heartbreaking, but I didn't add it, I wanted to keep things strictly between Walter and Peter in this spam.

(1x20 "There's More Than One of Everything")Peter: You know, I remember when we used to come down here during the summers. Mom and I. You were always still working back in the city. I'd stand out here on the beach for hours, looking at the ocean. It used to seem like it went on forever. And on Saturdays... I'd always wake up just before my alarm. I could smell the pancakes... which meant that you were here. I'd creep down the stairs, and there'd you be... standing over the stove, flipping pancakes. You seemed so big back then. I'd just stand there watching you. And you'd always flip one of the pancakes--
Walter: I made them in the shape of whales. They were your favorite! Yes! Peter, I remember! Thank you.
This was such a great Walter/Peter episode!!! And this was such an important moment between them, I don't remember any other moment before this one where Peter actually wanted to delve into the past (but then again, I do have the worst memory, so I could be very, very wrong about this). Every single time Walter tried to discuss anything related to his childhood, he'd either look bored or he would change the subject, so that was a nice change.
And he also helped Walter remember, which is just lovely!

(1x20 "There's More Than One of Everything")Walter: You may not remember this. When you were a boy, you were very sick, dying...
Peter: Walter.
Walter: ... and sometimes you got scared. And to calm yourself, to forget what you were going through, you took to collecting coins. This one, this was your favorite.
Peter: You're right. I don't remember any of that.
Walter: I do.
This scene gets even more poignant after you watch season's 2 "Peter", and you see that flipping that coin was the last thing the "other" Peter did before he died. Ouch! *heartstring tug*

(2x01 "A New Day In The Old Town")Astrid & Walter: Happy birthday, Peter!!!
Seriously, how cute are Walter and Astrid? They even got Gene to join in!
And I think that's the only time that Peter ever hugged Walter and he wasn't dying, which is fairly important.

(2x02 "Night of Desirable Objects")Walter: Are you going fishing, son?
Peter: Yes. But not alone.
Walter: Oh, no. Who with?
Peter: Well, once upon a time, there was a young man... probably around ten or eleven, who got it in his head that he wanted to take his father fishing. So he saved-up all his money from his paper route and bought a very special lure. (displays the bait)
Walter: Oh.
Peter: It's called the Night Of Desirable Objects. Sadly, his father was never really all that available to him, so, what started out as a would-be bonding experience - ended up with a young man fishing alone in a boat.
Walter: (inspecting the lure) And this young man... gave this to you?
Peter: (laughing) Yes, Walter.
Walter: Can I come... with you and your friend?
Peter: You know what, Walter? I think that would make the trip.
Walter: Good... good.
AW, Walter! He's just so innocent sometimes! He's like 5 year-old trapped inside the body and mind of an insane genius.
He really didn't know Peter was talking about him, did he? *hugs Walter*
Seriously, there are no words to describe how much I loved this scene. The whole thing was brilliant, with Peter trying to connect with his father again, trying to go back and fix whatever went wrong before in their relationship, so sweet!

#14 MOO!!!!!
(2x03 "Fracture")(Peter is eating a cheeseburger)
Gene: Moo!
Walter Peter... if you are going to eat that cheeseburger in here, could you at least be a little discreet?
(Peter looks at Gene, then, demonstratively, takes a large bit of his burger)
Gene: MOO!!!
(Peter drops his burger.)
Right. So, technically, I'm cheating here, because this is not really a Walter/Peter scene. I know that. BUT I just had to add it because it's hilarious and I love it!
Come on, Peter! Be a little more sensitive. Gene has feelings too, you know. :P

(2x05 "Dream Logic")Peter: If I faxed you a schematic of the device's internal architecture, could you test the chip you have?
Walter: Yes, but I'd need to replicate the chip's function in a neutral environment. Of course, I - if I had a live subject...
Peter: Walter, no! No student volunteers.
Agent Kashner: (arrives) Good news: the bags are back!
Peter: Walter. Walter! Walter! Say it, "no students".
Walter Alright, no students. (smiles at Agent Kashner)
HAHA! Oh, poor Agent Kashner. Which reminds me, we never actually saw what became of him, did we? My guess is that, once he regained his consciousness, he ran away from that place as fast as he could, calling for his mommy.
And I suppose I'm cheating once again, this is not quite a scene between Walter and Peter, but SHUSH, this is *my* picspam! :P

(2x09 "Snakehead")(Walter tries calling Peter, but keeps getting the number wrong. With no more change in his pocket, he takes a seat at the bus stop and a nice Chinese lady sits beside him)
Walter: The number five bus hasn't stopped here for over two hours. Not that it matters. I used up all my bus fare to dial seven wrong numbers.
Fao: (says something in Cantonese)
Walter: (nearly in tears) I can't remember Peter's number. I know it's got three 5s, a 1, a 0, and two 7s, but for the life of me, I can't remember the correct sequence!
... And yet another scene thad doesn't actually qualify, but it's one of my favorites of the whole show, and Walter is actually trying to call Peter, so shut up, I'm totally not cheating this time! :P
This actually made me cry. A lot! Also, fun fact: the first time I saw this scene was in a picspam in Tumblr. At the time, I had not seen one second of this show, so based on the quotes (I didn't even glance at the caps properly), I thought that this was a humorous scene. Don't ask me why, I didn't read it properly, I just thought it was funny. Of course now I know how wrong I was because there was absolutely nothing funny about it.
And it's not just this scene, really, but the whole episode! Walter has lost so much, things that we don't even notice are important in the first place, he just wanted to prove (pretty much to himself) that he could be on his own...
So yeah, I couldn't help myself, I had to add it!

(2x10 "Grey Matters")Peter: You're going to be fine.
Walter: Yeah.
Peter: It's a routine procedure. And the Valium will take care of any claustrophobia you might be feeling.
Walter: I'm not worried about claustrophobia, Peter. What do you think that man did to me?
Peter: I don't know, Walter. But we're going to find out, okay?
Olivia: You okay?
Peter: Yeah. Walter wanted to stick around and wait for the results, but there's Walter on drugs, and then there's Walter on drugs. I had Astrid take him home. Did you see the look on his face when we were talking to Mr. Slater? What do you think that's like for him, wishing that he could turn back the clock to before he went crazy? He's just sane enough to realize how much he's lost.
Olivia: I don't mean to sound callous, but... from what I know of your father, going crazy made him a better person. It certainly made him a better father.
Peter: I should have visited him in St. Claire's.
Olivia: I think you're making up for that now.
One of the things that are so unique about the relationship between Walter and Peter (and, in turn, one of the things that make me love them so much) is how their roles are reversed most of the time. We rarely get to see Walter taking care of Peter, most of the time it's the other way around. Walter is the one who needs attention and Peter is the one who looks after him, and he's gotten increasingly more protective of his father over the course of the series (that is, until the end of season 2, but we're not there yet).
I think it's also very sweet that Peter regrets not visiting Walter during the 17 years that he was in a mental institution. Which just begs the question... Why didn't he? I mean, in "There's More Than One of Everything", there was the whole thing with the pancakes and Peter revealing that he did have some fond memories of his childhood, and we now know just how much Walter did to save Peter (twice!), so what the hell happened?
Was Walter that much of an evil mastermind back then that he ignored Peter completely while he was growing up to focus on those mad experiments he did with "Bellie"? Or was Peter just that much of a young rebel and didn't care about his family all that much anyway? Or maybe both?
Because 17 years is a long time to be mad at someone!

(2x10 "Grey Matters")Walter: (looking at the brain bits inside the jars) Are they mine?
Peter: Yep.
Walter: My brain tissue, Peter... it's dying. Whatever was in there... Memories I'll never get back.
Peter: It's alright. You don't need them.
Walter: (chuckles) Hello, son. (starts to struggle) Hello, son... (gags and collapses)
Peter: Walter? Oh! Walter! Hey, Walter, look at me. Walter!!
Oh, another concerned!Peter moment. Actually, this is more like desperate!Peter, because he truly was desperate. His voice even started breaking at one point when he thought Walter was going to die.
Also, in a sort of unrelated note, I'm actually glad that Bell cut off those bits of Walter's brain because, if what we saw in this episode was the "real" Walter, then I'm so glad he's gone! Actually, I can almost see why Peter wouldn't want to talk to him for 17 years.

(2x10 "Grey Matters")Peter: They just want to make sure that everything's okay.
Walter: I know.
Peter: I should have visited you, Walter, while you were in St. Claire's.
Walter: Oh, that's okay, Peter. If you had, I probably wouldn't have remembered anyway.
Aw, they had both come so far in this relationship! Peter felt guilty and Walter wouldn't hold it against him. Who knows how long it will take them to go back to that stage now? *sigh*

(2x11 "Johari Window")Peter: Walter, come on. Let's go.
Walter: Why do I have to go in there?
Peter: Because we're out of milk. And because you haven't left the house in over a week, and you can't just stay inside watching old movies all the time.
Walter: Look at all those people, Peter. What if I get lost again? What if he's in there?
Peter: Walter... He's not in there. And I promise you, I will never let you get kidnapped again. Okay?
Walter: No. No. I'm learning to appreaciate cowardice. The lion had a point.
Peter: The lion?
Walter: The Cowardly Lion.
Peter: But again, that was just a movie. And there's no flying monkeys inside the grocery store.
Aw, poor Walter. It makes perfect sense for him to be this scared, though, he did get kidnapped and he really had people messing up with his brain, and he already had plenty of issues before it happened. I actually like the the writers added that continuity in that sense, after everything he went through, it should be hard for Walter to go back to normal life (well, whatever "normal" means when it comes to Walter Bishop anyway).
I also like how Peter is somewhat annoyed, but he doesn't show it as much as he used to. He's just trying to take care of him, which is sweet.

(2x11 "Johari Window")Walter: Remarkable... How Rose was willing to expose her secret to right a wrong. How very brave of her.
Peter: You did something brave, too. The way you spoke up for those people... You didn't have to do that, Walter. I'm proud of you.
Walter: I'm glad you choose to see me the way you do. Very glad indeed.
Aw, Peter! You can really see how much it means to Walter. And it's about time, too! How much longer would it take for Peter to be proud of him? The guy had saved so many people already, come on! :P

(2x12 "What Lies Below")Astrid: Um... Inside... Upstairs... When you said "I can't let Peter die again"... What did you mean by that?
Walter: Somethings are meant to be left alone, Agent Farnsworth.
This could probably be considered cheating, once again, as I'm not actually mentioning a scene in particular, but the episode as a whole. But I simply could not choose one particular scene here, and yet I knew I had to add the episode because of how desperate Walter was to save Peter, and because of that particular line.
I can't even remember exactly how they got the antidote or anything, but, like I said before, the science bit of the show doesn't really matter. It's kind of like worrying about the physics of Doctor Who! (Actually, they're not all that different, what with the time travel and going to different dimensions, and alternate realities with zeppelins. What IS it with alternate realities and zeppelins anyway?)
Besides, look at all those pretty colors! Isn't this show gorgeous? *loves show*

(2x13 "The Bishop Revival")Walter: I quite like weddings. Did I ever tell you about when your mother and I, God rest her soul, got married?
Peter: No, no, no. I think I missed that one. And try to stop driving with both feet. Walter, Walter!
(Walter drives the car into a bunch of trash bins)
Walter: She was so beautiful, Peter. So beautiful in white. I don't deny I was never happier. I kept my tuxedo in the hope that, one day, I would have a son who would wear it. You could wear it on your wedding day.
Peter: Yeah, you know, Walter? Tuxedo styles change.
Walter: Oh, nonsense. Purple never goes out of style. And the day may come sooner than you think. Do you think she'll call me Dad?
Peter: Who?
Walter: Agent Dunham.
Peter: (laughs) My guess would be no.
Walter: Don't look at me like that. She's just what you need, someone who can see right through you. Agent Dunham, don't you look lovely today? Doesn't she look lovely, Peter?
Peter: You look lovely, Agent Dunham.
(Walter goes inside)
Olivia: (looking at the car) Lose a bet?
Peter: It was either that or flying lessons.
I won't deny that one of the reasons why I love this scene so much is because I'm a huge Peter/Olivia 'shipper and knowing Walter supports the pairing makes me all happy (seriously, there is no one who 'ships Peter/Olivia more than Walter). But it's a sweet scene between them anyway, and Walter's driving was just hilarious!
I really would like to see Walter getting flying lessons, though! It would be both funny and frightening, especially for Peter if he went as co-pilot, which I'm sure he wouldn't want to in a million years, which in turn would only make the whole thing funnier. Oooh! Can you imagine it? It would be just like Homer Simpson flying a plane "Hmmm... What is the ocean doing up the sky?" Ha! OH! I need fic!

(2x13 "The Bishop Revival")Walter: What's this?
Peter: It's a present. Your father's work. I had Franko give me everything that wasn't totally destroyed.
Walter: (inspecting the contents of the box) Oh, look, Peter! It's your grandfather.
Peter: Robert Bischoff?
Walter: That was his name. He changed it when he came over here. Your mother always said that you shared his noble brow. It's a pity you never got to know him. You two would have gotten along very well, I think.
Peter: (smiles) You know, there is still one thing that doesn't make sense. If the formula for the toxin didn't come from your father's notes, how did this guy get it?
Walter: Hmm. Perhaps there are some mysteries that are destined to remain unsolven. Thank you for bringing these back.
(Peter smiles and leaves)
You know, this was one of the few scenes where they actually acted like a normal father and son. They're just going through old pictures, talking about Peter's grandfather… It was a nice, quiet moment with not much excitement to it. Plus, it was great that Peter regretted having sold those books in the first place. I like that he could also see what he had done wrong in the past rather than just put all the blame on Walter.

(2x18 "The Man From The Other Side")Peter: Walter... You've been awake for two straight days. You need to get some rest.
Walter: Shape-shifters... I should have been more careful with my initial dissection. If I hadn't caused so much damage, it could have told us everything.
Peter: But you couldn't possibly have known that.
Walter: It was definitely stupid and inexcusable.
Peter: Calm down. It's gonna be okay.
Walter: Okay, yeah...
Peter: We're gonna figure it out, just like we always do, okay?
Walter: Hmm.
Peter: I want you to get some rest, Dad. I'm gonna hit the sack. I'll be upstair if you need me.
Walter: Dad.
Peter: Huh?
Walter: You just called me Dad.
Peter: Yeah, I guess I did. (smiles)
This was a beautiful little moment between them, but after "Peter" and the two episodes that came after it - in which both Olivia and Walter discussed whether or not they should tell Peter about his origins - it was clear that Peter would finally get to know the truth in this episode. PETER, WHY DID YOU WAIT UNTIL THIS FREAKING EPISODE TO CALL HIM DAD?
All the rage aside, though, it really was the sweetest little moment ever and it caught Walter totally by surprise. And even better, Peter was not high this time! :D

(2x18 "The Man From The Other Side")Walter: We set up three harmonic rods arranged as an equilateral triangle and then activated the rods. When the car began to vibrate at just the right frequency... That's how we sent Bellie's car to the other side.
Peter: And it's exactly what Newton did with the building.
Olivia: But Newton's attempt failed.
Walter: Yes, indeed it did, because the building that Newton brought over landed in a location that was already occupied by another. But I suspect that Mr. Newton has found a way around that problem, because he has something that Bellie and I never had.
Olivia: What's that?
Peter: Agents in both universes.
Walter: Yes, Peter.
I doubt that anyone else has this scene listed among their favorites, but I really love it. I can't even explain why, but watching Peter working together with Walter, looking so proud of his father, supporting his theory and helping him explain it to Olivia just made me so happy. Remember that young man who used to throw snarky one-liners at his father every five seconds? Nope, me neither. ;)

(2x18 "The Man From The Other Side")Peter: Hey!
Walter: Peter, you need to get off this bridge. I have to put this right. I started this, I've got to...
Peter: It's gonna go faster if we do it together.
Walter: Something's wrong! I don't understand, it should be working.
Peter: There's something wrong with your frequency-recognition program. But don't worry, I can fix it.
Olivia: How we doing?
Peter: I need you all to get off this bridge now!
Walter: Get off the bridge!
Peter: No, Walter, there's nothing else you can do. (to Olivia) I need you to get him off this bridge.
Olivia: Come on, Walter.
Walter: No, Olivia…
And here we have them again, working together to save the world. That look on Walter's face as he got dragged away from Peter breaks my heart everytime I see it.
This is an interesting moment for another reason as well: this was the first time Peter got the chance to catch a glimpse of his "real" father. But of course he didn't know it at the time (and neither did we).

(2x18 "The Man From the Other Side")Walter: Peter! Oh, they told me you'd be alright, but I was so worried, son... and...
Peter: There was another man on that bridge. When Newton's device started to work, I saw him there... just walking down the bridge. He had to have been from the other side. You said the effects of Newton's device would be devastating... and... they were. They destroyed that FBI agent, they just... disintegrated him, like he wasn't even there. But they didn't kill the man from the other side. And they didn't kill me. (stares deep into Walter's eyes) I'm not from here, am I? You didn't just open up a hole to the other side. You went through. And you brought me back. That's why I was able to survive Newton's device. It's why I can't remember my childhood...
Walter: You were dying, Peter--
Peter: ... it's why my mother committed suicide. Isn't it? She knew... didn't she? And when I left, the guilt was too much for her to live with - the lie.
Walter: Peter, you need to understand something--
Peter: (growing angrier) I understand, Walter. I understand everything now.
Walter: Son...
Peter: (mad) I am not your son. I'd like to be alone now.
If your heart didn't break even a tiny bit at this scene, then I assume you have no soul. GAH those two!
I just have to give major props to Joshua Jackson and John Noble for this scene. They were really precise with their acting, when it could have easily been melodramatic. There was no shouting, no river of tears, Peter was just talking, which probably made the whole thing 10x more heartbreaking. John Noble barely had a line there, but he didn't really need to say anything. I loved that moment when he closed his eyes while Peter was talking, not to mention the look on his face after Peter broke his heart with that one line... Poor Walter, he really meant to tell the truth, he just couldn't find the right moment to do it.
And then there was Peter, feeling so betrayed. I guess the fact that he found out on his own when he had just reconnected with his father made it a lot worse for him.

(2x19 "Brown Betty")Fictional!Walter: Peter. Peter! I - I never meant to hurt anyone. I never - I can change, you'll see. I can make up for all the harm I've done. Peter, please. (sings) Who can take the sunrise, sprinkle it with dew... the Candy Man can... Peter, please.
Fictional!Peter: It's too late, Walter. There's some things you can't undo.
Fictional!Walter: (sings to himself) The Candy Man can... 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good.
Ella: (interrupts) Are you kidding? That's not a proper ending! Don't you know? All good stories start with "once upon a time", and they end with "happily ever after". You don't know how to tell stories, Uncle Walter. I'll tell you how the story ends.
Fictional!Walter: Peter. Peter, please. I can change. I can fix the damage I've done. Please, give me another chance.
Ella: ... and Peter looked inside Walter's eyes and realized there was still goodness inside him. So Peter took his special heart, and with all his might, he split it in two. And the heart was so magical that it still worked. And together, they made goodness, and lived happily ever after. The end.
I LOVE ELLA SO MUCH!!!! And this scene is a great example why!
While "Brown Betty" was a bit of a silly episode, it was also a pretty good insight into Walter's mind and the way he sees himself and the others, like with the story he told Ella of how Peter "stole his heart and Walter would die without it" (get it? Get it?). I guess his ending showed just how much he blamed himself for what happened (and maybe how he felt like he deserved to suffer that much?), with Peter going away with his heart, saying "there's some things you can't undo". And then along came Ella! The thing I love the most about her is how she makes everyone around her so happy. She does that to Olivia all the time, and this time she did it to Walter. She gave him his hope back! She made him believe that things could work out between him and Peter, somehow. I love that image of Peter breaking the heart in two, giving one half to Walter and keeping one half to himself.
How can you not love Ella after this episode? She gave Walter and Peter a happy ending! (Not to mention the extra cuteness of calling Walter "Uncle Walter". Seriously, how cute is that girl?)

(2x22 "Over There, part 2)Peter: Good night, Walter.
Walter: Peter... You are back now, aren't you? You're - you're not leaving again?
Peter: I'm trying to see this your way, Walter. I can't. But... You did cross universes twice to save my life. So that's gotta count for something, right?
Walter: Thank you, Peter. (Peter leaves) My son.
So there we have it. That's how we left Walter and Peter at the end of season 2, in something of a truce, I suppose.
I really do hope they work things out. I don't think it will be easy (and it shouldn't be!), but I'm hopeful. I do think that Peter left the other world (and his mom!) in a bit of a rush, but I think he'll eventually learn the whole truth and maybe he'll forgive Walter. He did save his life, after all.
But you can be sure that the thing I'm looking forward to the most is watching Walter and Walternate come face to face! IT HAS TO HAPPEN! And it will be so amazingly awesome when it does!

Wow… that was a huge pic!spam, wasn't it? Even for me.
For those of you who survived until the end, I SALLUTE YOU!

The best part of this spam is that I can actually use it for future reference, if I ever get the inspiration for that vid. :)

pic!spam, tv: fringe

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