Weird dreams + tons of time = Sylar/Elle Wedding!

Sep 13, 2009 18:43

So, probably was dragynflies's bigboomfic and faded-facade awesome art, but last night I had this strange dream in which I read this gossip report about Sylar/Elle wedding (Sylar being a Petrelli, etc. Basically an AU - IABD-ish. )... and I couldn't take it out of my mind, so that how I spent part of this raining boring Sunday. Should I post this to sylarelle?

I haven't wrote the main article, is just random text, but you can read all the rest (pics captions and little box articles) so view it in fullscreen.
Ehm. I've used real pics from the Emmy 2007 party, so don't read/watch if you find mixing actors with their characters disturbing. Click on the side of the page to flip it.

Open publication - Free publishing - More sylarelle
[ehm... I know, the last page... probably I'm mean.]

The manip on the cover can be found here:

pairing|gabriel/elle, things i do instead of sleeping, webcomic or graphic novel

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