Drabble Title: Looking for a Different Draco
Rating: PG13 (language/ dark themes)
Length: 359 words
Summary: angsty Naive!Harry and Bastard!Draco.
A/N: Comments are virtual happiness. :)
Hermione tells Harry that he's making a mistake. She's probably right. Hermione is usually right. But, Harry supposes that he is usually right too, so Harry decides to keep letting Draco fuck him anyway.
He comes by a few nights a week, without giving any notice, so Harry begins to stay in every night Just In Case. Harry tells Hermione that he thinks Draco might be beginning to care for him, a bit. That underneath Draco there is another Draco, that will emerge like a beautiful butterfly from a cocoon, if only he is squeezed hard enough.
A few weeks later, Harry is at home, waiting and upset because Draco hasn't come by in four days. The first time he hears a whoosh, Harry mistakes it for the floo. His hopes soar, until he realizes that it is only the wind rushing through the open window, and gets up to close it. He only makes it halfway there (cursing the misleading wind the whole way) before he hears a second whoosh, and looks up eagerly, expecting to see dazzling teeth and eyes that are unbelievably alive- when Hermione walks in. Harry tries not to look disappointed. But he doesn't try not to look sad and angry when Hermione tells him carefully that she's seen Draco with another man at an expensive italian restaurant across the street from her flat.
Draco has never taken Harry to a restaurant. And Harry supposes that he has always been a cheap fuck, for Draco. Hermione leaves quickly, and Harry takes whole bottles of anything he can find in his medicine cabinet. It seems very muggle, but he doesn't want to do anything immediate in case Draco comes to save him.
He imagines that Draco will show up at the very last moment, find Harry and repent, realizing that he's been in love with Harry for years- and then he will ask Harry if they can move in together, and he will say he's so fucking sorry. But Draco never comes. The moment before Harry looses consiousness his heart leaps- he thinks he hears the whoosh of the floo. He tries desperately to revive himself, and thinks of how heartbroken Draco will be-
Later, when Hermione finds Harry, she cries, and tells his quiet body that she's always loved him. She feels sick, and quietly shuts the open window before going home.