Chapter 6 of Eye

Mar 17, 2005 13:56

Dammit, I forgot to post this here.

Since I finally managed to beat the muse into submission and he helped me finish the evil chapter seven, I decided to post six even though I don't have seven back yet.

With the exception of Drusilla and the youngest member of the Summer's household, the morning following Darla's demise is not a good one. The other four are rudely woken by the sound of energetic teenage-feet clomping down the stairs. Their nearly simultaneous groans would have been funny, had each not been the result of the loud sounds being imposed on already splitting headaches.

Much to his chagrin it is Giles who suffers the most, as he is in closest proximity to Dawn when she lets out a frightened shriek at her discovery of a strange man occupying the space where the dark-haired vampiress should be.

She quiets as soon as the still sleepy watcher attempts to sit up, in the process revealing his identity.

Before Dawn has time to ask Giles what is going on, they are interrupted by the sound of hurried steps on the stairs leading from the basement, followed seconds later by the sight of a disheveled Buffy tearing through the door and an equally rumpled looking Spike, clad in nothing but his jeans, following not far behind. Both instantly assume fighting positions, scanning the room for the suspected threat.

Dawn takes in the sight of the grumpy watcher on the couch, as well as her sister and friend, both of whom, although ready to defeat whatever nasty had caused her to cry out, are clearly having difficulties staying upright. The teenager stares at them for a few moments and then dissolves into hysterical laughter that has everyone covering their ears in post all-night-drinking pain.

Irritated to have panicked over nothing, Buffy glares daggers at her laughing sister, while at the same time searching for the nearest available space to sit down. In the end she simply follows the blonde vampire's lead and sinks to the floor, leaning against the nearest wall for support.

"What the hell did you three do last night? Have a party at our house? Ooh, wait till mom finds out, she's so gonna…."

To the relief of everyone present, Dawn's tirade is interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind her. Turning, the girl is surprised to discover her rather sheepish looking mother at the foot of the stairs.

"Well, you see Dawnie, I actually knew that already. You might even say I started the whole thing."

The last part Joyce says so quietly that no one can hear, but then, everyone but Dawn already knew that she had brought out the Scotch to help Rupert calm down. Not that it had been her intention to get him drunk in the process, much less everyone else. Still she was going to have a word with her oldest daughter about scolding her and Rupert for drinking, only to then proceed doing the same with Spike as soon as her mother was in bed.

Dawn wisely decides upon hearing her mother's admission combined with everyone's disheveled appearance to hold her tongue for now and try to pry out the details from someone later, after the risk of being physically harmed has passed. Besides by being silent now, she may gain some valuable 'get Dawnie out of jail free' passes for the future.

Hoping to avoid further questions from her youngest, Joyce hands the girl some money to buy breakfast at school, and offering an apology that adults can sometimes act stupid too, ushers her out of the door. Once Dawn has left, she turns back to her companions and blushes slightly, before fixing on Buffy and Spike with a mock angry glare.

"Do I want to know what the two of you were doing in the basement?"

"Uhm, it seems like I somehow managed to remember that we still have some sleeping-bags down there. At least we woke up in them. I know I remember thinking you would worry about Spike with Angel still wandering about, and so I thought he could…yeah…he could stay in the basement, I don't…"

Buffy explains, while turning bright red and growing steadily quieter.

Joyce is just about to yell at her daughter for drinking too much, when it hits her that she has no idea how she got to bed either. Embarrassed that she has set such a bad example for her children, she quickly drops the topic, declaring instead that it might be the best course of action if they all go ahead and get some more sleep.

Nodding gratefully, the others agree.

Back in the basement, Spike stares at their sleeping accommodations in disgust.

"So Slayer, gonna tell me, how the bloody hell you managed to convince me to spend the night in that?"

Seeing him pointing at Dawn's Barbie-pink sleeping bag, Buffy burst out in laughter; only to be painfully reminded seconds later just why loud noises were a very bad idea right now. Shaking her head at the irritated vampire, she ignores his cursing and motions for him to go back to bed. Still grumbling, he decides to save his disgust at his 'bed' for later and follow her example in getting some more sleep, for now.

When the inhabitants of the Summers' house reawaken in the late afternoon, most of them seem to have gotten over the worst of their hangovers. They agree to get ready to meet the others at the Magic Box after sunset.

Looks of understanding pass between the four. After a few mumbled promises, each come to the agreement to never mention neither the Band Candy incident nor any of the previous night's sleeping arrangements ever again. In particular, Giles feels thankful for this tacit understanding, especially since he awoke to discover Drusilla having a tea-party at the table in front of him without him noticing anything out the ordinary despite his watcher training. Spike thanks Dru's stars his 'Big Bad' image will not be tarnished by word of his not only sharing basement space with the Slayer but also sleeping in a the pink Barbie bag from hell. Neither Buffy nor Joyce wants anyone to know about the Band Candy incident, so that secret is safe as houses.

Soon the group makes their way to the shop, stopping only to eat some light sandwiches. Since none of the humans are sure how well their stomachs would react to anything more than a sandwich, each are wary of ordering anything heavier, and they grab a pack of blood each for Spike and Drusilla.

Arriving at their destination, Buffy, Spike, and Drusilla are instantly surrounded by the remaining Scoobies who are anxious to find out what happened the night before. Buffy explains all about what happened with Darla and Angel. She furthers tells them about the Scotch, which leaves the others at first shocked, but later in fits of laughter.

When Angel finally arrives, Giles and Joyce find themselves to be quite relieved at his timing. As much as they both might hate the dark vampire, even his presence is better then being questioned by the children about their drinking the night before.

Unlike his last visit to the shop, Angel acknowledges Drusilla's presence this time, walking right up to the vampiress and greeting her. Although judging by the seething looks he shoots at Buffy and Spike out of the corner of his eyes, his anger at them has not diminished.

Deciding to ignore the blatant way her daddy divides his attention between her and the Slayer, Drusilla beams happily at him. Still distinctly aware of how the others are closely watching them, she discretely maneuvers him into a secluded corner where the shelves grant them at least some privacy.

Unwilling to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary in the presence of the man who killed his sire, or the people who seem to prefer the company of a soulless vampire over him, Angel willingly allows Drusilla to pull him into the stacks. Impatient as always, Angel decides to come straight to the point. Without preamble he asks Drusilla if she is willing to return to Los Angeles with him. Upon witnessing her enthusiastic agreement, he is once again reminded of how strangely he thinks she is reacting to having her soul returned.

Had he bothered to listen to Giles' and Tara's explanations during his last visit to the Magic Box, he wouldn't have to wonder about the vampiress' calmness; but since he didn't, it only serves to confuse him.

Still feeling slightly guilty about his willingness to ignore his childe in favor of his sire, Angel resolves that he will help her get over the state of shock her new soul has obviously put her in. But first he has to settle his own worries and find out if she is truly able to differentiate between him and Angelus.

"Dru darling, can you tell me how it is that you still want to stay with me after you are now aware what my soulless self did to you?"

"You are my daddy. You couldn't stay with Princess before, since we were so different. Now we are the same once more, so where else would I want to go?" Drusilla replies, cocking her head curiously at him.

"So it doesn't bother you then that this is the same body that made you into a monster?"

"It doesn't matter."

"How can it not matter? These are the very hands that destroyed you and your family!" Confusion tears at Angel's mind. Drusilla has always been cryptic, which was one of Angelus' favorite things about her, but the way she is acting now totally perplexes him. Her calm replies to his questions are beginning to make him loose his temper.

Smiling slyly to herself, Drusilla ponders how similar his reaction to her is, so like how he would react as 'Angelus'. He should be thankful that she is willing to help him rid himself of the delusion that he has two separate personalities.

"It doesn't matter, because even though there are different doors, they are all locked now. Have been ever since you made me your Princess. My William tried so hard to break them down, but he never could understand that it was too late. Now there exists only one path for me to follow. Only daddy's door can be opened."

More confused than before, Angel continues to stare at Drusilla until a timid voice from behind him shakes him out of his musings.

"Love. She's talking about love, Angel. When you destroyed her mind, you also destroyed her ability to ever harbor these feelings for anyone else."

Turning, the dark brooding vampire is surprised to see the blonde witch standing behind him. Just as he is about to ask her how someone he never even met would know this, he remembers that this girl is the one who assisted the watcher in explaining earlier about Drusilla. Unwilling to let her know that he didn't listen to their explanations; Angel only nods vaguely at the blonde before turning back to Drusilla.

Despite his previous ignorance of Tara's presence, Angel does think her comments have some merit and he decides to believe that she may be right, at least until he learns differently. Upon noticing that Dru's earlier good mood is still intact, Angel suggests they now return to the others. He hopes that he can convince her and his former employees to leave shortly for LA. Being in Sunnydale is making him extremely uncomfortable, and the present company is something he could definitely do without.

As they return from the stacks, the female Scoobies instantly surround Drusilla.

Angel notices that Xander seems to be sulking in a corner while his own crew eyes him wearily. Surely they will come around once he explains that he is willing to give them their jobs back. Thus assured, he boldly makes his way over to them.

Angel meets disappointment on all fronts.

First, Drusilla shows no reaction whatsoever to his motioning her over. Instead she continues to chatter excitedly with the blonde girl he vaguely remembers meeting during the Ascension. Then the friendly greeting he offers Cordy, Gunn and Wesley, is met only with icy glares. Confused he tries again, but soon regrets it when Cordelia launches into one of her rants.

As usual he blocks out most of it. However, when he realizes her shrieking has attracted the attention of everyone in the shop, he has no choice but to pay at least some attention to her.

"I mean, what were you thinking? Darla! And did you forget about your curse? I bet you slept with her. What if you lost your soul again? Angelus would have killed us all in a heartbeat; did you even stop long enough to think about that? We're supposed to be your friends, and you couldn't keep it in your pants to save our lives!"

Trying to calm the former cheerleader, Angel instantly denies having slept with Darla, but Drusilla's unusually strong voice stops him in the tracks.

"Do not lie, daddy! That's not nice."

Shocked at his usually diminutive childe scolding him, he turns to face her, only to be met with her unwavering gaze. Angered at her change in behavior, the dark vampire tries staring her down, but unlike past occasions, she doesn't back down.

Having experienced only kindness since her ensouling, Drusilla has managed to build up a self-confidence she had never previously possessed. Adding this to her awareness of the role she is soon to play, she knows that if she bows to her sire's every wish she won't be able to do anyone any good. Her purpose in life is now to be her Angel's guide. Making sure he stops bending reality to his wishes has to be her first goal.

Irritated beyond belief, Angel turns his furious gaze upon Buffy, as his chosen scapegoat. Someone has to be responsible for this unfortunate change in Dru. Buffy, she's to blame. The Slayer used to rebel against her calling, it seems clear to him that she has to be the culprit. Furious he makes his thoughts be known.

He accuses the blonde Slayer of playing with Drusilla's head simply because she can't get over him leaving her, and a screaming match commences. Angel, Buffy, Spike, and Giles, with even Joyce voicing her opinion, face off in a showdown to end all showdowns. The watcher and the blonde vampire had wasted no time in rushing to the Slayers defense, however the older vampire simply dismissed Spike, and decided that Giles' anger is merely the residue of the previous night's happenings. With such justifications, he has no difficulty in disregarding everything they say.

Once again, it is Drusilla's voice that stops them all. Now furious herself, the vampiress marches up to her sire.

"Will you stop it already! No one put any ideas in my head! I'm well able to think on my own, even if you don't always understand the results. All of you would do well to remember that I'm more than some insane child. I have already averted two prophecies all on my own, and you…" She shoves her pointed finger right into Angel's chest.

"… Stop blaming everyone else for your faults. I'm here to help you. I'm going to save your seer, and I've already spared you a lot of pain by the actions I have taken since they changed me. If you don't stop complaining and start thinking soon, I'm gonna take your reward since you are not doing anything to deserve it!"

While everyone stares at her in shock, floored by the completely lucid way the vampiress just behaved, she begins to sway and only Gunn's fast reflexes save her from hitting the ground in a dead faint.

Concern for the dark-haired girl stops all possible questions that her rant might otherwise have brought up. Even while making a mental note to later ask her about the prophecies she mentioned, Giles motions for Gunn to follow him back into the training-room, where they carefully place the unconscious vampiress on the couch.

Unsure what to do next, everyone gathers around the couch. It's still glaringly obvious, that no one wants to stand next to Angel. Luckily they don't have to wait long, as Drusilla soon begins to awaken.

Confused, she stares at the people surrounding her for a moment, before rewarding them with one of her beaming smiles. Proudly she focuses on Spike.

"Princess did good, didn't I? Put daddy in his place I did."

Turing to Angel, she continues as if she hadn't been yelling at him just minutes ago.

"I'm done daddy, can we go now?"

Realizing she is back to her usual self, Giles resolves to keep his questions to himself for the time being. He might be able to have Wesley question her once she recovered from her fainting spell.

Drained, the others agree to end the meeting, and it is decided that the LA-gang will leave that very night. After exchanging promises to call and keep the Scoobies informed of the Angel and Drusilla situation, Angel's crew hurriedly begins gathering their stuff, all of them anxious to return to their own homes.

Just before Angel and the LA gang are ready to leave, Drusilla, who had been talking with Buffy and Joyce about where they should send her clothes, excuses herself and wanders through the store, coming to a stop in front of Giles.

"When he asks I will answer as well as I can, but not everything can be revealed yet. Some things - maybe never. I like you and don't want you to be unable to rest, so I will tell you one thing. You needn't worry about the one you call Glory anymore. Don't let your guard down though. Where once one enemy contained the power of many, now many enemies possess the power of one. Be wary of those confusing their century."

Smiling reassuringly she kisses his check, causing the watcher to blush as he does every time she does something like this.

Although he's extremely curious to learn what the vampiress' message means, Giles is by now used to her cryptic behavior and knows he won't be able to get any more information out of her until such time as she is ready. So he simply smiles at the frail girl in return and wishes her a nice drive, and good luck in Los Angeles.

Had anyone told them weeks before that they'd be sad to see Drusilla, of all people, leave town, the Scoobies would have laughed in their face. It is yet further proof of how fast things can change on the Hellmouth, that they are now huddling together in a rather subdued group in front of the Magic Box, waving after the car carrying the vampiress off to LA.

fic eotb

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