
May 16, 2006 21:08

Being home and being able to relax feels great. I've been spending most of my days hanging out with Hector just hanging around doing average things, but it's been time well spent. I can't believe two weeks have already passed by actually. I'm trying, sort of, to find a cool new job for the summer but I've no luck thus far so I might go back to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

goldie_sucks May 18 2006, 02:54:46 UTC
yerrr there's mama and her man! hope you're having fun- i know how it is to feel frustrated at home. i'm here at my moms and she makes me feel bad about the whole erico situation and then ontop of that i'm so exhausted from work i get so frustrated w/ her at work and stuff but then i remembenr that she's probably more stressed than me, and this is her life everyday and has been so.. i try to take it easy.

we have bright futures ahead of us and i look forward to our clothing line!! lol<3 thiftin nigguhhh

tell passy mcshimmy legs <3 that i say hiiiii har harrrr


xiaoai December 6 2007, 15:48:15 UTC
hi, you added me?


diabolical_xi December 24 2007, 09:58:50 UTC
yeah, hi. sorry, i rarely use my lj, it's so old. but i was looking at the hf community and you seemed cool, i believe. hope you dont mind :) what's london like?


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