May 07, 2011 03:05
- 07:16:25: Dance class + epsom salt bath + shot of bourbon = good night's sleep. Good morning, tweeps!
- 07:19:41: RT @guardianstyle: Just wince? We resort to violence RT @dollydave: @ guardianstyle is it just me that winces when people use 'impacted' ...
- 07:24:59: RT @scalzi: A fan of Little Fuzzy reviews Fuzzy Nation:
- 10:52:45: Seriously awesome post on fat acceptance vs attraction vs fetishizing: #haes
- 12:19:05: Responding with logic to Deather illogic:
- 20:31:56: Just learned how to play rummy tonight. Yes, I am a late bloomer.
- 23:02:21: Evil niblings totally cleaned my clock at Go Fish...start at rummy, move on to Authors, end up losing at Go Fish - that's me Friday night!
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