Leave me a comment saying "Contagious, Yoda's grammar is". I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
leme 1. What wool and needels you like to use best on knitting?
Wow that would be like asking who was my favourite child, or hamster... er wait you did lol
At the moment my favourite wools are Paton's Jet since I finally found the perfect scarf pattern for the stash of it I brought back from NZ. It's a merino/alpaca mix so very soft and I've got an amazing blue green mix that I just made into the coolest tricky-looking scarf.
Second is Colinette One Zero in October Afternoon colourway. I've just made myself a winter hat out of it and it's gorgeous and snuggly and with a rusty red, apple green and scarlet mix that looks so much better than I could describe.
Third is probably Noro silk garden which I'm also scarfing for S - because it has a lot of silk and the most amazing colours mixed in
This would probably work better if I posted pictures!
2. Candles or lamp?
Tricky - I like candles, but am too lazy to light them so I say lamps
3. What two things you miss most from NZ?
The range of food. I love the viillage I'm in now, but it doesn't have a Japanese restaurant doing teryaki chicken udon and I can't get Minties. And second, my family. I'm blessed to have such warm and giving people and a bunch of awesome, interesting nephews and neices who are on the cusp of adulthood and have a great ability for conversation. I miss my dad most though because he's finally getting old - he was always young before, but now it's all catching up on him because he needs a new hip and for various annoying health reasons can't have one unless he first has his foot amputated - odd I know, but it's really changed his level of vitality and I miss hugging him.
4. Who is/was the best hamsteri of your hamsteri family?
Wow, that is tough - really tough -- but, ok, to be honest, it's easy: Tiefer because he had the best personality and could go ridiculously flat
5. Omar or Jim?
Omar - Jim is lovely but I can stop eating after one - Omar I can't really put down the bag til it's finished (Finn sweets for those who think it's two characters in a film!
And from
glitterburn who arguably knows more about me than I do myself:
1. Which of Tim Shadbolt's many shenanigans, political or otherwise, makes you LOL the most?
Ah yes, the mayor of my home city who is rather known for being mad... for me the fact that he was a mayor of one of the Auckland city councils and new he was getting booted out so he stared a campaign "I don't care where, as long as I'm mayor" to find a new city crazy enough to vote for him - we did and he's actually been a pretty awesome mayor. That's why we've kept him for nearly 10 years!!
2. If Lindsey Hazley organised a tuatara derby, which tuatara would you place money on to win?
Would depend on the competition - if it was pure speed I'd pick one of the babies, if it was longevity I'd pick Henry, if it was sheer entertainment I'd pick gormless
3. A visitor to the South Island asks which place is the most compelling to visit - Tuatapere or Waiauauauou? What's your answer and why(aiaoauau)?
Hmmm while technically Tuatapere is in the Waiauauauauou area. The Waiauauauauaou River runs through Tuatapere. But I'd certainly tell them to try a round of golf
4. Did you get that tuna melt?
5. (from Wolfy) Do you think Chairman Cow should rise again to fight against the evil red dust (as caused by a red fox)?
6. Flav invites you onto his loveboat and as you cruise the Med, Chris Moyles goes past in a pedalo, Jensen Ackles pulls up on a jet-ski, and
Die Aerzte come along in a speedboat. They all invite you to go for a vanilla latte and a tuna melt, who do you go with?
Moot question as I wouldn't have set foot of Flav's boat in the first place. But for the sake of argument, it would depend on whether I was in the mood for sex or laughs with my vanilla latte and tuna melt.
For sex, it would be Jet-ski Jenson. For laughs I'd introduce Chris to Farin and watch them drive each other crazy.