Young me: That's stupid, I'm stilll YOUNG.
26 or so-Years Old Shawn:
Dude! What's up?
This is stupid, I know what's up because you're me and I'm you and I remember what's been up with you for the last 31 years. But Mom said it helps to write your thoughts down. Yeah, this is supposed to help.
I want to give you a heads up.
First, there's a reason why people say you shouldn't drink sea water. One would have thought that we've learned it after growing up next to the beach, but we learned the hard way after what happened in that cruise, sometime around 2001. My advice? It's okay not to follow Dad's advice, so, follow your older self's advice.
Also, and for the record, you've gone mad, you're giving your past self advice.
Just for the record.
The thing is, some big stuff has been happening lately.
Remember your huge high-school crush? The one and only Abigail Lytar, my sweet fabulous haired man. You two finally hit it like a baseball bat with ADHD. You'll have fun, you'll even sort of commit. Wanna know the funny thing? After all those years in which we traveled, after going to distant lands just for the fun of it, when she finally wants you to commit to her and follow her in a trip to Africa (Uganda's there, right? Or is it Asia?), you won't. And that's okay, you have A LOT back at home. Psych. And Gus, mostly. Surprisingly, Dad's not the big pain in the butt he was for most of our lives.
It's okay to stand your ground for the stuff that's important to you.
But she was important too. The next time, commit before it's too late.
Stop loosing people.
Pay attention and stop loosing people.
Some will stick close like chewing gum to a cinema's floor, they will be there for you and you can trust them blindly. But then, you might screw up and people can get hurt.
Someday people won't ever come back.
And remember to check for that hamster cage that Dad has in the attic, it might work for a pet mouse too. It's surely better than a shoebox anyway.
So... Yeah. That's pretty much it.
OH! And before you hurt your eyes? The "Miami Vice" remake is not worth watching. You will anyway, but I'm just saying.
And your hair still looks fabulous to date.
Take care, myself.