I asked andrea if she wanted to go get a bite to eat on sunday seeing that i dont work... she said "i dont know, ask me sunday" in a half rude voice... basicaly that meens "i want to wait and see if someone more worth my time wants to do something". so i think i will get a broken sacred heart tattoo on my shoulder blade intead... i think its what
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Comments 5
Blake Edward Lynch <--
I am 24, and doing a job I don't want to do for the rest of my life :P
I work for a v. well known (in every country) internet company at the moment, but i've just started a Masters course in boring things (not boring to mee), so that hopefully one day i can do what i want for a living :P
I would drink more and go out more if it wasn't for the fact I have no money most of the time :P
I spend most of my money on gig tickets because music is my passion, although I can't play any instruments and I can't sing a note :P :) I am always envious of people who can do either (or both). I am more scientific than artistic, I think :)
hrm, that's about it really, apart from boring things :P :)
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