grr i'm hate it when people do these long ass suverys and they take up all theroom on my friend's page. damn every last one of you. haha ok well i'm a school stoned. saweet. peace and love my friends.
-- birthplace: Kauai
-- current Location: San Diego, but only for the next while.
-- eye color: black/poop brown
-- hair color: poo brown
-- height: 5'4ish
-- righty or lefty: righty tighty
-- zodiac sign: uh..iono, pieces?
-- your heritage: Hawaiian and some other south pacific shyte
-- the shoes you wore today: rainbows
-- your weakness: bad stuff
-- your fears: that the whole world would turn into bad news where no one cries.
-- your perfect pizza: eck.
-- goal you'd like to achieve: to be the best and live it up until i die.
-- your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
-- your thoughts first waking up: is it sunny?
-- your bedtime: late
-- your most missed memory: being with everything lovely
-- pepsi or coke: eck, water-foreva, son.
-- mcdonald's or burger king: apsh, eff that shit.
-- single or group dates: single..sometimes
-- adidas or nike: rainbows all the way baby
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: hot green tea
-- chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino with some honey, yumm
-- smoke: yah
-- cuss: sometimes, but not too much cause i'm a love not a fighter, haha.
-- sing: in the shower, yes.
-- take a shower everyday: i try to.
-- have a crush: my man.
-- do you think you've been in love: nah, not yet.
-- want to go to college: if it fits in to the life i'm livin up.
-- like(d) high school: wen i wasn't in it.
-- want to get married: sure.
-- believe in yourself: of course, if i didn't then i'd have nothing.
-- get motion sickness: soimetimes
-- think you're attractive: sure, why not?
-- think you're a health freak: no, not too much
-- get along with your parent(s): sadly enough, no.
-- like thunderstorms: no, rain=bad.
-- play an instrument: wen i was little i new the piano, but nope, not no more.
in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: yes.
-- smoked: yes.
-- done a drug: yes.
-- had sex: yes, sir.
-- made out: yes, i do believe so.
-- gone on a date: haha, if you want to call it that.
-- gone to the mall?: i don't think so, wait-shit my school is at a mall.
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: eck, not uh
-- eaten sushi: i don't think so, wait yah-last night.
-- been on stage: nope
-- been dumped: nope
-- gone skating: not uh
-- made homemade cookies: psh but if i did, i would have made browinies
-- gone skinny-dipping: not uh
-- dyed your hair: no, the shit changes colors by itself.
-- stolen anything: no sir, not down.
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: shit if i know.
-- if so, was it mixed company: iono probably, why not.
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes mama.
-- been caught "doing something": haha, yah like in eighth grade.
-- been called a tease: yes, god damned jeff.
-- gotten beaten up: haha, no sir
-- shoplifted: NO, jesus christ, wasn't this already asked?
-- changed who you were to fit in: no, i love me.
-- age you hope to be married: not too young and not too late, unless it's llike my best friend.
-- numbers and names of children: none, but i'd name them, (girl)Cory and (boy) Rylee
-- describe your dream wedding: hm, just me him and the pastor, at a waterfall with a video guy.
-- how do you want to die: suddenly
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: a marine biologist or just have a cool life by the beach with a little shop.
-- what country would you most like to visit: fiji or austrailia
in a guy/girl..
-- best eye color? something that would suit his face.
-- best hair color? blonde
-- short or long hair: not girl long, but a boy long.
-- best weight: not over weight.
-- best articles of clothing: or none is also good. haha...
-- best first date location: the beach.
-- best first kiss location: on a super warm day on the beach in the sand.
-- # of drugs taken illegally: iono, a bit
-- # of people i could trust with my life: i'm pretty trusting, so a lot
-- # of CDs that i own: some pretty neat ones.
-- # of piercings: six.
-- # of tattoos: nah, after those piercing, i'm tryin to stay natural.
-- # of scars on my body: iono, some on my knees and fingers.