Lost 6.3 - "What Kate Does"

Feb 09, 2010 20:59

Well we're back on Craphole Island and 2004 version 2.0 for another round with our favorite castaways. Tonight's episode was titled "What Kate Does", a play on the season 2 episode, "What Kid Did", in which we found out why Kate was a fugitive from the law. For those who forgot what happened in the episode, we saw Kate burn down the house where her abusive step-father was sleeping. Turns out... her step-father really was her biological father. Ooops. The original "What Kate Did" episode also featured Kate and Sawyer seeing the black horse (Which can be assumed to be Smokey now) and Locke and Eko watching the missing portion of the Swan orientation video, which talked about, appropriately enough, "The Incident".

The episode began with an awesome line from Sawyer in regards to Sayid: "An Iraqi torturer who shoots kids... he definitely deserves another go-around." We also continued to follow Sawyer's descent into guilt over Juliet's death. Naturally, him leaving the temple will be a source of conflict due to the fact he was on Jacob's list... and it's pretty clear all the people on the list are going to be used for something big.

At the temple, poor Sayid got a taste of his own medicine by going through The Others' Smokey detection test. It makes sense considering The Man in Black can only take the form of dead people, and Sayid failed the test. The talk about the infection was interesting and could be theorized that the dead on the island are subject to Smokey's domain, if not marked by The Others after death. The infection can also tie back to the island sickness Rosseau talked about way back when (Obtained after exposure to Smokey).

Kate's hunt for Sawyer yielded some interesting things... namely the remains of New Othertown and the new traps... the new traps set by Rosseau 2.0, otherwise known as Claire, now possessed by the darkness of the island.

Kate's flash-sideways begins with what Kate does best... run, and as we saw last week... she ran right into a cab with our favorite Australian mother turned island bad-ass... Claire (And she ticked off Dr. Ratso Artz, which was a hilarious bit). Her connection to Claire is already evident due to the whole Aaron dynamic. Kate helped deliver Aaron and took care of him off the island. So as we saw in this episode... even in the alternate time-line, Aaron was always meant to be with Claire and Kate was always supposed to be a part of it. Oh yeah, another person who was always destined to be a part of Claire's life was Ethan, who showed up as Claire's doctor.

We got a good scene with Jack and Dogen, the Japanese Other... who confirmed the island "brings" people to it. It was also hilarious to see Dogen's effort to keep Jack off of pills, which confirmed the "medicine" for Sayid was poison. The conversation also confirmed Sayid was claimed by Smokey... which lead to the reveal about Claire.

Line of the night goes to Miles: "We'll be in the food court, if you need us" but Ethan's line about "Aaron is going to be a handful" is the most prophetic.
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