And I've seen All I'll ever need...

Nov 30, 2011 02:01

So I've just watched A Clockwork Orange. And holy cow.. It is a beastly film... In both good and bad ways... I'd love somehow to incorporate muse that story line.. Possible clockwork orange muse slash? In other news I am doing my utmost best at procrastinating! I've been watching tv, blogging, and found myself cleaning the house as a desperate means of escaping college essays.. I have two due in the next three days. One due on Thursday (1500 words) and one one Friday (2500 words). Oh and I forgot to mention the two more to be done next week.. fun times!! On the bright side all this work has finally convinced me to buy my own laptop which I am now typing on.. My wee netbook!! :D And it has a webcam, which has made me incredibly vain of late!! I'm always checking to see if I look okay and Stella is always singing 'You're so Vain' Although I do know that in this case the song really is about me. I was catching up wit old friends lately and there really is nothing like it.. You never realise how much you miss them until you talk to them again. Even if most of the conversation was fangirling about Muse, its still something that links us, a common interest, a bond. And I will forever have that link with her and all other Musers that I have gotten to know well over the past few years.. I have great love for my Muser friends. There is a great comfort in knowing that we all have this invisible bond that brings us together in love for something beautiful, one that others may never understand.. That is the enigma that is Muse and its fanbase.. The beauty of their music makes me cry sometimes and I'm not afraid to admit it cause I know that you understand. Feeling a bit emotional, sorry.. Think I need a Muse gig... A with that I leave you my dear people, just know that I love you all because we are like a family. <3

Here's is some beauty, go listen.. :) I'm actually fucking crying listening to this... The end always gets me... 

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crying over the beauty that is muse, college, general, muse and muser appreciation, bleh

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