Title: A Very Gleeful Secret Santa
Pairing: unrequited!Finn/Kurt, surprise!Puck/Kurt, secret!Finn/Rachel, and a little Will/Emma
amadrabbit ♥! (any mistakes are my fault)
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Summary: Glee has a Secret Santa.
A/N: Just a little Christmas fic. Hope you all like it. No spoilers!
“We’re going to have a Secret Santa,” says Mr. Shue with his hands clasped in front of him after the kids settle in the classroom. A chorus of groans fills the room and Will’s face falls.
“Oh, come on, guys, get into the holiday spirit,”
Rachel stands from her chair, a cheery smile on her face, and says, “I for one think that’s a great idea, Mr. Shue.” She looks to the others with her widespread grin, but is met with eye rolls and annoyed looks.
Sensing the hostility, she walks over to stand by Mr. Shuester’s side.
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” says Will, looking at the group of kids who seem to be beyond bored with the idea.
“Yes, Brittany?” Mr. Shue says when he sees Brittany raising her hand.
“Can we choose who we get to give a present to?” she asks in a faded tone.
Will pauses and makes a face. “Uh, no Brittany, that’s why it’s called Secret Santa. You don’t know who has gotten your name. That’s what makes it fun.” Brittany still looks confused, but Mr. Shue isn’t about to explain the obviously complicated process that is Secret Santa.
“Alright then, it’s settled. We’ll have a Secret Santa!” Mr. Shue and Rachel stand in front of the class looking quite pleased, while the others just shrug and sit back looking mildly annoyed.
“Okay, let’s get to rehearsing.”
When it comes time to draw names for the secret Santa, Rachel takes action and writes everyone’s name on slips of paper and puts them all into a hat.
“Okay, everyone’s name is in here,” Rachel shakes the hat at the group, “so everyone will draw a name, and no one is allowed to say who they got. Clear?” They all just mumble their agreement.
Rachel takes the first piece of paper, wishing and hoping that she gets Finn, and passes the hat to Artie. She opens the slip of paper and sees ‘Mercedes’ written in her handwriting. She pouts momentarily, but then slips the paper into her cardigan pocket. She can only hope now that Finn might get her name.
One by one, they each draw a name. When it gets to Kurt, he just takes a name without giving it much thought and passes the hat on. He opens the paper, sees Finn in black ink, and his eyes go wide for a split second. He clears his throat and can feel his face heat up slightly. He crumbles the paper up and stuffs it in the pocket of his checkered Gucci blazer. He tugs at his cuffs and laces his fingers over the knee of his crossed leg and acts casual.
“Everyone got a name?” Mr. Shue asks and they all nod. “Perfect! Now remember, no one can reveal who their person is until our Christmas party before vacation.” He pauses for a reaction, which he quickly gets.
“Party?” Santana asks.
Will grins and says, “Yeah. You guys have been working hard and I figured you all would love a Christmas party.”
Suddenly they’re all more chipper than before, the idea of a Secret Santa not so bad since they get to party.
“So, who’d you get?” Mercedes asks Kurt as they walk down the hall to Kurt’s locker.
“I think that would destroy the purpose of Secret Santa,” Kurt says, working his lock open.
“Did you get me?” Mercedes asks hopefully.
Kurt shakes his head. “Sorry.”
“Then who’d you get?” she asks again.
Kurt makes a zipper motion over his lips as he freshens up his hair spray. Sticking the can back in his locker he says, “What about you?”
“Why should I tell you?” Mercedes says, but Kurt gives her an oh, please look. She gives in and replies, “Santana.”
Kurt scoffs and shuts his locker. “What are you gonna get her?”
“I don’t know, maybe a little grace.” Kurt giggles and accidentally snorts. He covers his mouth, embarrassed at the uncouth noise that just came out of his mouth. Mercedes just cracks up as the walk to class together.
The glee club was pretty good about not blabbing, even Brittany. Kurt still had the slip of paper with Finn’s name on it. He always put it in the pocket of whatever jeans or jacket he was wearing. As weird or creepy as it sounds, he likes to keep it close by.
When he walks into study hall, the heels of his boots clacking against the linoleum floor, he sees Puck turned around whispering to Mercedes. She glances up at Kurt as does Puck and he quickly turns around and flips through a random book.
Kurt walks down the aisle and nods for Mercedes to follow him. She does, of course, and they sit in the very back of the classroom.
“What was that?” Kurt asks. “Why was he talking to you?”
“No reason, he was just asking about the Christmas party.” Kurt eyes her suspiciously. “I swear. I’d tell you if something was up.” Kurt narrows his eyes but catches Puck looking back at them and looks at him. Puck just turns back around.
Kurt looks at Mercedes and then at Puck. He can feel them plotting. He doesn’t like it.
Kurt has no idea what to get Finn, and he has less than a week to figure it out.
He paces back and forth in his room, the soundtrack to Xanadu playing the background, trying to think of Finn’s interests. All he can think of is sports and girls; two things Kurt will never understand.
Maybe some sort of sports memorabilia, he thinks idly with his hands on his hips. He doesn’t want to spend too much, that might give off the wrong vibe. Then again, Kurt wants to get Finn something really amazing. Something that will make him grin from ear to ear. Something that will make Finn think of Kurt every time he sees it.
Kurt kind of gets lost in his own little fantasy world, thinking about Finn’s smile. The way Finn will sometimes look at him and nod. The little things that make Kurt’s heart do summersaults.
Kurt blinks a couple of times, breaking his daydream, and thinks that there’s only one thing he can do.
“I hope you all like the decorations. Brittany and I worked really hard on them,” Santana says with a smug smile. Mercedes and Tina cough loudly. Santana rolls her eyes and then adds, “They helped.”
The room was decorated with Christmas lights, paper snowflakes, and red, green, blue, and white streamers. There was even a small, fake Christmas tree on top of the piano, fully decorated. Mr. Shue was a little impressed.
“Quite a turn out.” Will turns around to see Emma standing at the doorway. She walks in, dressed in a light pink blouse under a green cardigan with a reindeer on it, and a dark green pencil skirt. Her simple black heels make small clicking sounds over the hard floor.
“Emma, hey. Uh, didn’t think you’d come.” Will smiles and smoothes the front of his red and gray argyle sweater vest.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Emma says. “Besides, I wanted to give you this.” She holds out a small box for Will to take.
“Oh, you - you didn’t have to.” Will stares at the box and takes it. “I didn’t get you anything.” Emma just smiles.
“It’s nothing, really. I was just in the Christmas spirit.” And Will can see more than just Christmas spirit in Emma’s shining eyes.
“Thank you.” Will places the box under the small tree with the rest of the gifts. He turns back to Emma and grins. “How about some punch?”
Emma nods, still smiling. “Sounds great.”
“Okay everyone, I think we all know what time it is,” says Will rubbing his hands together.
“Time for a nap?” says Artie, “Because I could use one after all that food.” He rubs his stomach and everyone laughs.
“I think it’s time for some gifts,” Rachel says a little giddily.
The all gather around the piano, eyeing the presents placed on top of it. Will asks Emma if she’ll pass out the gifts.
“Yeah, of course.” She picks up the first box and reads the label. “To Quinn, from Matt.” Emma smiles as she hands Quinn her present. She passes out the rest; To Mike from Santana, to Artie from Brittany, to Brittany from Tina, and so on. They get to the last three and the only ones without a present are Kurt, Finn, and Rachel.
“To Finn, from Kurt.” Rachel swiftly looks at Kurt who looks like he’s about to pass out. Finn takes the neatly wrapped box awkwardly and smiles.
“To Rachel, from Finn.”
“What?” Rachel blurts out. Emma hands her the present and she glances over at Kurt with a small, in your face smirk.
“To Kurt, from Puck.” Kurt stares at Emma, slack-jawed, and eyes wide. He takes the gift from Emma and looks at Puck, who avoids eye contact.
It gets a little awkward after that so Will clears his throat and says, “Alright then, open away.”
Everyone tears at paper and tape, picking off bows and ribbons.
“Looks like they all learned a little about each other,” says Emma from Will’s side upon seeing the faces of the teens light up in delight.
“Yeah,” Will says fondly. He’s really proud of his kids.
“Oh, you haven’t opened your gift.” Emma glances at the only present left on the piano.
Will grins and picks it up, shaking it by his ear. He lifts the lid and uncovers a small golden treble clef pin.
“It’s nothing special, I just thought you’d like it, you now because you -”
“Emma,” Will cuts off her rambling. He looks down at the small trinket and smiles. “It’s perfect. Really.” Emma blushes slightly, feeling a bit foolish, like a teenage girl.
“Now I feel bad. I should have gotten you something, I -” Emma holds up her hand.
“Seeing you enjoy the gift is enough.” They both smile at each other for a moment before Will takes the pin and pins it to his vest.
Rachel looks at the small box in her hands and runs her finger over Finn’s messy handwriting on the label. She smiles as she tears the paper and opens the box underneath. It’s a necklace. A necklace with a gold star on it. She grins as she takes it out of the box and then discovers a small note.
I remember you mentioning how gold stars were your thing. Now you can wear one everywhere you go. Merry Christmas. - Finn
Rachel smiles as she glances at Finn and he glances back.
Kurt walks up to Finn just as the taller boy is opening his present. Even after asking his dad for advice about what to get Finn, he came up dry. He decided to go with what he knew best: clothes.
“I hope you like it,” says Kurt, startling Finn. Kurt watches as Finn pulls out a grey, wool, Prada scarf.
“You’re a hard man to shop for, Finn Hudson.” Kurt says trying to sound smooth.
“Oh, wow. Thanks, Kurt.” He glances at the small boy. “This was expensive, wasn’t it?” Kurt laughs that little nervous giggle that always comes out whenever he’s around Finn.
Finn wraps it around his neck, smiling that Finn Hudson smile that makes Kurt weak at the knees. He grabs Kurt’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze. It takes Kurt everything he has not to lunge forward and just kiss him.
Finn walks off to see if there’s any more cake, and Kurt watches him. He catches Mercedes’ eye and she gives him a look. He’s about to shoot her one of his own, but someone comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder.
Kurt turns around and sees Puck, hands shoved in his jeans pockets, wearing his grey hoodie.
“You, uh, you haven’t open your present,” says Puck pointing to the box in Kurt’s hands. Standing in front of Finn, Kurt had completely forgotten he was holding it, along with everything he had learned in the past few months.
“Oh,” Kurt looks down at the gift, “yeah, well, I’ll open it later.” He didn’t want to sound like a jerk, but when he suddenly sees what looks like hurt flash through Puck’s eyes, he feels like one.
“Okay, yeah, that’s cool,” says Puck with a little nod, trying to hide his disappointment. He doesn’t even know why he should feel disappointed, but he does.
He turns on his heels and Kurt really feels bad for coming off the way he did.
“Noah, wait,” Kurt says. Puck turns around and looks at Kurt blankly. Kurt smiles and peels the wrapping paper away. Puck walks closer and Kurt’s eyes flicker from the box to Puck and back to the box.
He gets the paper off and opens the plain white box at one end. He pulls out a simple black pouch and looks up at Puck, his mouth slightly agape.
“Noah, are these -?”
“Mercedes told me that you’ve, uh, wanted to get these.” Puck shrugs. “They’re the real thing, just so you know.”
Kurt opens the pouch and takes out a pair of silver Prada sunglasses, the exact ones he told Mercedes about weeks before. So this is what they were talking about.
“Do you like them?” Puck asks, not knowing what else to say.
“Are you kidding me?” Kurt says. “I love them.” He looks at Puck who has a small awkward smile on his face.
“How many pools did you have to clean to buy these?” Kurt jokes.
Puck shrugs. “However many I had to.” Kurt’s head shoots up, taking his eyes from the glasses to Puck’s face. There’s a smirk plastered on Puck’s face, making him look smug. Kurt wouldn’t admit this, not even to himself, but Puck was a little attractive. Actually, it was more as if Kurt was a little attracted to Puck, but only on his bad days.
“Well, thank you, Noah.” Kurt places the sunglasses on top of his head and smiles at the football player.
“Yeah, you’re welcome.” Kurt isn’t sure, it could just be his mind playing tricks on him, but he swears Puck winks at him before he turns to walk back to Santana and Brittany, leaving Kurt with a confused smile on his face.