((Note: All characters officially in DCS prior to 5/23/2010 are still in the game and need not "re-app".))
DCS Rules
+ In-character posts (journals, action posts, and logs) are to be made at
dcstarbeans. Please tag your entries with your character's name.
+ Common sense manners are encouraged. You will be kicked from the game if you're too problematic to work with us.
+ In terms of plots and events, sometimes the Mods will come up with some and major happenings will occur on set dates. During any other times, you can set up whatever shenanigans you wish.
+ We accept characters from any game/canon that's been on a Nintendo system. Canons where at least one game was on a nintendo system (such as Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, Final Fantasy XII, and Banjo-Kazooie), along with cartoon/comic adaptation characters are also allowed. But we're still saying no to Kingdom Hearts characters.
+Original characters made for those canons (Like pokemon and stuff) are allowed as well.
Note: We no longer have a cap on Pokemon/OCs or the 1-of-any-species restrictions.
+ For now, there is a ten character limit. You get ten slots out of the box.
If a character isn't working out, you can let it go and claim someone else no problem.
+ Lastly, if a character is inactive for two months, the claim will be switched over to whoever asks to play that character. If nobody else wants the character, the original claim sticks until the mods decide it's time to purge inactives.
DCS Character Claims
Please post with your character's account and put your character's name on the subject line when posting. Keep your claim submissions short. If the mods see a multi-comment character app, Chippy is going to punch you in the facebook.
Claim Form
Who are you and do you have AIM contact info? Character name:From What Canon?Tell us a little about this character? Voice Sample (Have your character say something! Anything!) When a mod accepts your claim, have your character friend
diamondsignpost and join
dcstarbeans (game community),
diamondcity_rpg (OOC comm), and
dc_hotelmario (crack/meme comm).
Notes to note: 1. DCStarbeans has moderated membership, so you can send in a request to join while waiting for your claim to be accepted. If by freak of nature your claim is rejected, we'll reject the membership request as well. And 2. If you drop a claim (made in this post) and later want the character back, post a new comment linking to the old claim and simply say "I want this guy back." TL;DR apps posted prior to 5/22/10 are not valid for re-claims.