fic_ a little like like

Jul 11, 2010 15:36 today, while looking for this bunnyfic 2000 sidestory bit that isweartogod exists somewhere, i discovered that there are about eighty separate documents scattered about my gdocs/wips HD folders, wtfff! a whole stack of which i don't even remember conceiving of, much less writing any for~ ahaha. 8D have this one for starters. because it's a ( Read more... )

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, boys: abc-z

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Comments 27

cierra_james July 11 2010, 06:06:37 UTC
LMAO Hasshi working as cupid!!!

Though I suppose if anyone of them were to do it properly it would be him. Gocchi would let them figure it out themselves and Fumi would either use it as blackmail or throw them together in a locked room.

Ah the wonders of meddling kouhai.


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 01:41:20 UTC
hasshi is totally the biggest, self-professedly overgrown cupid-in-training ever. xD ♥ but yeah~ it wouldn't work any other way, lol.


mousapelli July 11 2010, 07:22:07 UTC
awwwwww, so cute!! There definitely should be way more Tsuka/Tottsu, aside from more Tsuka in general. I love the abc flashbacks and Tottsu growing up and Tsuka not doing that so much and phase 6b!! lmao it isn't like hasshi has more than one plan honestly, but it's adorable the way he's okay with letting Tsuka fool around with his Tottsu in the meantime. It's additionally adorable how Tsuka doesn't mind that so much either.

and waaaah je boys not being indestructible. Speaking of that, rachel says they announced ebikisu butai in september at playzone today. I want to be excited, but at the same time, THIS IS NOT FORWARD PROGRESS. srsly johnny-san, you are making me CRAZY.


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 02:00:51 UTC
tottsu's totally changed since he was wee, i think. xD but yeah, while tsuka totally has not.

you know hasshi must have pulled tsukada aside for this deal brokering talk ("he's still my tottsu, okay! he can be your tottsu as well though, in a different way that he's my tottsu so we can share, but-" and such) that made zero sense to outside listeners. |D

who knows, THEY MIGHT BE DEBUTED BY THEN.................. D: or um. 8D; haaa, who knows with johnny kjawe. yay, ebikisu though~! \o/;;


mousapelli July 13 2010, 02:08:15 UTC
hasshi brokering a deal, laughing SO HARD.

hey get on aim and I have awesome things to show you. several of them.


(The comment has been removed)

diamondsjack July 13 2010, 02:01:25 UTC
hee~ i'm glad you liked it! xD
(and agree, hurhur. 8D *prods fandom* hmmm~)


1st_eggokage July 11 2010, 08:05:32 UTC
d'awwww BOYS. I love Tsukada so much, there should be more of him in EVERYTHING. sometimes I forget why he is in the Special Ed boyband because he comes off as downright normal compared to Yaracchi and Senga and Bun and YamaRyo, and then I remember he is CRAZY AND JUMPS OFF OF THINGS. ♥ ♥ ♥


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 02:02:32 UTC
THERE SHOULD. ♥ him and his buns of steel are such unmined unexploited potential. 8DD LOLOL, special ed boyband jkjke. xD BUT IT'S TRUE. HE IS NUTS. AND JUMPS OFF OF THINGS LIKE DIVING BOARDS WHEN HE CANNOT SWIM JKJKJKJKWE. ♥!! |D


1st_eggokage July 13 2010, 02:36:54 UTC
LOL THEY TOTALLY ARE THOUGH! yara has a napoleon complex and bun's an alien and yamaryo's crush on yara blinds him to everything else and senga's... well, senga's senga. I LOVE THEM FOREVER.


kira_shadow July 11 2010, 09:00:38 UTC


there needs to be more ABC-Z fic really...


diamondsjack July 13 2010, 01:38:57 UTC
there doooes~ xDD they're so underrated for how well they work together. ♥


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