sleepless: on this path

Dec 04, 2010 23:56

if the tone of this is funny, i blame being totally addicted to this song lately. *_*; tsuki by amano tsukiko. [and/or mediafire dl] the vocals are so pretty, and kinda haunting at times. ♥ (though regardless, i can't remember the point of this piece. xD; it was supposed to be a short bridge before hasshi's intro. but uh. obvs turned out not as ( Read more... )

au: loveless

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Comments 16

risakochan December 7 2010, 15:56:41 UTC
nooo this development is going to tear me between my two favourite pairings but yes, lovely the way this played out~ *squishes them both and you too <3*


diamondsjack December 8 2010, 08:15:06 UTC
it's kinda tragic that i don't even know yet (how this is going to go)... xD but thank you! ♥ ;D i'm glad you're liking it so far~


prisps October 8 2011, 04:23:00 UTC
sdjlkasdjlaksjdalskjda ♥


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