I should really just re-name this journal "The Life and Love of Kate's Hair", since it seems to be all I have to talk about. Pics behind cut + 5min Allelujah cosplay and related spoilers for season 2.
This is pretty close to my natural color now. I was getting tired of the blonde and it was too much of a pain to keep up with. Hehe, I like this pic, my eyes looks so SCARY.
Check out my manly muscles, SHIT IS SO CASH.
Yeah, so after reading
this shit I'm just as confused as ever about season 2. Does this guy just sit home all day thinking of new ways to contradict himself?
At least it seems clear Setsuna is alive. I wasn't sure, and I honestly didn't think I cared but I guess he's growing on me. And they're gunning for Setsuna/Marina? That would be sooooo awkward. I'd rather have Sets/Felt, please.
I'm not even going to bother contemplating wtf is going on with Tieria anymore. I just really hope it doesn't turn out that Regene=Tieria and he was really a woman all along. I'd rather have epic bitch fights between the two of them concerning war/identity crisis/who gets to fuck Lyle now/etc.
With the lack of Gundam 00 I've been re-watching Samurai Champloo and trying to catch up on Cowboy Bebop. I'm really wishing I would have watched Bebop before SamCham because now the animation looks so shitty by comparison. One things for sure, I love Steve Blum.
Any NJ tards who were expecting me this month, sorry but it's not gonna work because of car/funding issues. ;_; Instead I'll be taking two weeks in June, so I'll probably take the train down like last time and then have my Aunt drive me back up.