This space is so redundant.
Except that I need this rather-corny-named account for my rather addictive online shopping habit. Heh.
I should just scrap that idea and throw it out the window.
I won't be able to afford the commitment that comes with it.
Until I come to a decision, this space would be as it is for now.
On another note.
I am overwhelmed.
I had the worst 3 days of my life this week.
3 days consecutively.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
And to LLFS.
I am saying no.
Tempted, hell yes.
WRX baby, tsk tsk.
At one point, I was even considering yo.
But no.
Now now.
Let's move on girl.
Everyone has a life to live.
The event of the year for me this year would begin with the letter E.