Title: Merlin and the Lightning Thief
dianadisasterMovie Prompt: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Morgana, and vaguely implied Arthur/Gwen and Arthur/Gwen/Merlin in the epilogue.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 20k
Spoilers: Spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, definitely The Lightning
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Comments 18
Merlin canon. Plus, it was just written amazingly well. I loved the characterization of everyone (especially Grover!Will), and Gwen is just HBIC, and kickass. Seasick!Merlin and Arthur I like mega adorable, I'm squeeing! And as sad as I am about Morgana (but it's ohkay, I'm pretending she's a tree), it fit really well with legend! All in all, I'm totally pimping this gic out to people, cos I really did love it. *hearts you madly even though we haven't met*
I really really wanted to save Morgana, but my beta convinced me that she had to die. :( Well, really, she started singing Nancy Sinatra "Bang, Bang" and then the lyrics "my baby shot me down" became the theme of that scene.
*still hearts you*
i have an audio bullys remix of that song! it's so great! *puts on and dances in desk chair*
I specially liked how you kept the important elements of both Merlin and the movie, while at the same time you created your own quest and your version of the characters background stories.
I loved this though how you used Merlin's magic saying that he was the son of Zeus hence his reason to be able to move stuff was brilliant!
I loved your Gwen, she was rather awesome. In general i'm not a great Gwen fan but yeah i could get on with your Gwen well i think!
Poor Morgana though. I truly felt sorry for her. I don't think she deserved to die, not really, poor girl!
Really good though!
Awesome fic!
I did really want to save Morgana, that was the plan from the start, but my beta convinced me to kill her off, lol. I think it had to be that way in the end, and it fit better with the Luke character.
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