So, those are
afterthree 's questions - and answers
Type your cut contents here.1. You are given God-like powers and an uninhabited (no life at all) planet to destroy in whatever way you so choose. Give me the breakdown of your destructive fun.
I had a very hard time trying to decide if I'd begin with a volcano or giant waves, so I guess I'd just do both at the same time. Then I could break the whole land in tiny islands, forming names of hated people (i.e. Bush) and destroy them. It would be a very good exercise, I guess. Finally I'd pull the gravitational field out and let it all floating through the space, of course.
2. All your personal, identity-based memories are gone one morning when you wake up -- you don't remember your name, your life, or recognize anyone who knows you. What do you do, and how do you think your personality might be different as a result of this mind-wipe?
I'd be... A very different person, that's for sure. Probably would have less self-esteem issues, and maybe I'd be more girly. I have no idea what I would do, but surely I would freak out when Arthur showed up. Can you imagine that? A perfect stranger calling you "mommy"? But, of course, chances are that even if I couldn't remember him I would recognize the fact that his is my child once I smelled him -- it's way above our conscious-selves. Then when I found out that I had a perfect, even a bit abnormal memory and that I had lost it all I'd probably freak out again.
For the record, I had an experience like that once. I spent some 15 minutes where I couldn't relate to anything around me, I couldn't name it or relate to them. Arthur was very confused, of course, and I felt like he was familiar but I couldn't really understand why. My boyfriend spent a while calling me "Diana" and I couldn't even understand that "Diana" meant myself. It was really creepy.
3. It's Take-Credit-For-Someone-Else's-Work day! Yippee! What thing are you going to take credit for, and why do you wish you'd been the one to do it?
Harry Potter, obviously. Because it is awsome and - let's face it - the profits.
4. Oh no! You've bit bitten by one of JKR's werewolves! How do you think you'd cope as a Muggle with lycanthropy?
I would... think I was going insane. That's for sure. I'd probably go hunt in the mainland.... You know, Rio is a great place to hunt when you have a bizarre desire for raw meat/warm blood. ;)
5. What's the best prank you've ever played/had played on you? Or, alternately if you're not the pranking kind of person, tell us about a time when you were completely, 100% happy with the world.
When I was in the 11th grade we took a chicken to the school. Then we allowed it to run freely while the staff chased it. Also, we had the radio playing a music which the lyrics go like "I had a chicken named Marilu. One day, I got hungry and ate Marilu" while they did it. It was loads of fun. Also, when I was a senior, we dyed the school's water pink. It was pink for days... Pink water everywhere. Pink water to wash the dishes, pink water to drink, pink water in the bathrooms. Hee!
Oh, and stolen from
Post the first line from your most recent 20 fics and look for a trend.
Please note that most of those fanfictions are in Portuguese, of course, and I'm translating their first lines after the original one.
1. "Algumas coisas serão sempre inexplicáveis, por mais que você tente usar palavras, mesmo imagens, ou gestos, algumas coisas não podem ser traduzidas." -- Somethings will always be impossible to explain, even if you try to use words, images or gestures, somethings just can't be translated. -- Insuficiente (Not enough), Harry Potter incest-femmeslash-Bellatrix/Andromeda one shot.
2. "Nunca soube exatamente como aquilo começou, não foi na primeira noite, ou na segunda, ou em qualquer data especial." -- "I never knew exactly how it began. It wasn't on our first night, or on our second, or on any special day." (translation by
christycorr. -- Sob meus lábios (Under my lips), Harry Potter Salazar/Rowena angsty-romance.
3. "Foram meses de preparação, meses de conversa e convencimento" -- It took months of talking her into it, preparing the ground. -- Roubando Estrelas (Stealing Stars), Harry Potter Draco/Ginny teen-romance. Ignoring the epilogue. AKA Diana trying to do something really... Teen-like. Surely, not my thing.
4. "O rosto do negro era um imenso ponto de interrogação quando ele sentou-se ao lado da corvinal na grama do lado de fora do castelo." -- The black guy's face looked like a huge interrogation mark when he sat by the ravenclaw's side in the grass outside the castle. -- Whatever it takes, a Blaise/Luna friendship fanfiction. I know, it sounds bizarre...
5. "Não era uma coisa fixa, nunca tinha sido" -- It had never been something steady. -- Todas as Letras do Amor (All the letters in love), Draco/Ginny; Harry/Ginny; Draco/Astoria drabble collection. Very angsty.
6."Por todos os lados, para onde olhasse, só o que via era Daphne." -- Everywhere, anywhere she looked, the only thing she could see was Daphne. -- Quase Vicio (Almost an Addiction), a Pansy/Daphne femmeslash with very-graphic scenes of revenge sex.
7. "Nem sempre Blaise e Luna foram Blaise e Luna." -- Blaise and Luna hadn't always been Blaise and Luna -- The Right Stuff, another Blaise/Luna friendship fic. Actually something like a shorter version of Whatever it takes. I remember being very high when I wrote it.
8. "A verdade é que eu nunca o vi direito." -- The truth is that I never really saw him -- Quase Via (Almost Seeing) a married-Daphne/Blaise ficlet, with bits of Daphne/Astoria.
9. "Draco Malfoy tinha passado por muitas coisas estranhas em sua vida, mas nenhuma era tão estranha quanto a sua morte." -- Draco Malfoy had gonne through a lot of weird things in life, but none of them seemed nearly as weird as his death -- Eternidade (Eternity), a King's Cross-like fanfiction. Mostly D/G fluffy.
10. "A verdade é que eu nunca fui capaz de perdoar nenhum de vocês." -- Truth is that I could never really forgive you." -- La Maison Dieu, Ginny-angsty fanfiction towards the Weasley in general.
11. "No fundo, acho que sempre fomos idiotas, Draco e eu." -- Deep down, I think we have always been idiots, Draco and me." -- Quase Tudo (Almost it all). A incest, femmeslash, infidelity fanfiction about Blaise and Draco marring Daphne and Astoria while they are, in fact, in love with each other. I never got really into incest, so I basically wrote it on request of a friend -- and decided to tell the story through Blaise and Draco's pov, which was loads of fun.
12. "Quando o menino surgiu de dentro do vagão, planejava comprar um pastelão de carne." -- When the boy came out from his compartment, all he wanted was to buy kidney pie -- Tranças (Braids). It is a really stupid-fluffy Rose/Scorpius fanfiction wrote solely to annoy the other challenge contestants.
13. "O dia em que Isla nasceu foi o dia mais triste da vida de sua mãe." -- The day that Isla was born was the saddest day of her mother's life. -- O Te de Isla (Isla's Te). Angsty, sad, abusive Black family fanfiction, which, of course, results in Isla marring "muggle Bob Hitchens".
14. "O rosto redondo dele está olhando para mim." - His round face is looking at me - Yule. Fluffy Frank/Alice fanfiction, set during OP23.
15."Você podia ver a chuva batendo contra a janela da casa, e o rosto nada humano de Voldemort à sua frente." -- You could see the rain hitting the house's window and Voldemort's inhuman face in front of you. -- Samhain, a Lily/James drama, set during Halloween '81.
16. "Eu me lembro, melhor do que qualquer outra coisa, do dia do meu casamento." -- I can remember my wedding day better than anything else. -- Ostara, a Lucius/Narcissa fluffy fic. (I'm so random it scares me)
17. "The shivers running through her body were not of cold, even though the wind was icy this time of year; they were shivers of fear, and loneliness - feelings she had once hoped never to experience again." -- Cursed (The original fanfic, in portuguese, was named Mabbon), Tom/Merope angst fanfiction, after translated by
christycorr as a Christmas gift to Lauren.
18. "Havia algo de curioso naquele dia" -- That was something curious about that day. -- Occam's Razor, a post-epilogue Harry/Luna long-story. Such a random opening line.
19. "- Não somos mais crianças de doze anos, Rose" -- "We are no longer twelve year-olds, Rose" -- A Fogueira de Beltane (Beltane's fires), a fluffy-but-hot Scorpius/Lily piece, it was a Christmas gift to
gutenhagutenha 20. "Você sempre soube que era diferente" -- "You always knew you were different" -- O Tao de Marius (Marius' Tao). One can easily notice this fanfic and Isla's Te are a item. This time I make poor child!Marius go through a very rough path as his mother die from childbirth (not when he was born, of course), Pollux impregnating his girlfriend at the age of 12 and to top it off, everyone find out that he is a squib. Loads of fun.
One thing is for certain: the opening lines I like the best actually are the beginning of fanfics I actually like. When it seems very random it also generally means I had -no- idea where I was going when I begun to write.