Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Wilders
Prompt: Sickness
Notes: For A Year In Writing
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Geoffrey's got a cold.
017: Sickness
He stumbled to the door to answer it. Pulled it open with far more effort and much less care than he normally would have and swore under his breath.
“Hey, baby.”
Catharine smiled broadly at him and brandished a bowl at him. “I brought you some chicken soup,” she said. “Are you feeling any better?”
He stood aside to let her in. “Much, now that I know you’re here.”
She grinned and kissed his cheek. Then sent him to sit on the couch while she heated up a bowl of soup. Geoffrey always seemed to be taking care of her, she thought. Now she was seizing the opportunity to take care of him.