...of my journal for the past week or so.
You may (or may not) have noticed that I've been posting a lot of podfic this week. Well, this is because of
amplificathon, where there is currently a competition for podfic. You get points for every podfic you post and at the end of 11 weeks, the winner get various ~prizes.
Now I like prizes. And I'm really competitive. And yes, I said 11 weeks. So there's plans for lots more podfic.
And f-listy, I'm asking for your help a little. I have a bunch of fics I want to podfic, but I could always use more!
I randomly choose what to record based on how I feel a particular day, so I like to have a variety.
Now, I get the most points if I can get together a lot of shorter fics, that would come in about 10-20 minutes long once they're podficced. Meaning between about 1,200 and 2,500. Sooooo, any fics you love about that long, I'm asking you to give me a little heads up. Preferably Kradam. :D
SO OVER THE NEXT 10 AND 1/2 WEEKS IF YOU SEND ME A LINK, there's a high probability some of your favorite fics could be podficced.
So help me out. And tell your friends.