The Mercy In YouAuthor:
epiphanyx7Length: One-shot (1 140)
Rating: not for minors
Fandom: X-Men (movieverse)
Pairing: Cyclops/Wolverine
Summary: This doesn't feel wrong. It should.
Warnings: Language, sex, hints of infidelity etc.
MP3 || Length: 9:16 min || Size: 8.5mb
epiphanyx7Length: One-shot (1 018)
Rating: not for children
Fandom: X-Men (movieverse)
Pairing: Cyclops/Wolverine
Summary: He hates Logan. He really, really does.
Warnings: Excessive amounts of profanity, minor angst, incidental violence, mentions of alcohol, etc.
MP3 || Length: 7:58 min || Size: 7.3mb
St. Valentine'sAuthor:
epiphanyx7Length: Drabble, 309 words.
Rating: all ages
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Percy/Oliver
MP3 || Length: 2:46 min || Size: 2.6mb