So I've been a bit lazy the last week or so about actually posting my completed podfic. Here's some stuff in other words. More coming very soon! The first was a charity podfic for
help_japan. :) All of my podfic can be found
here Alsoooo, I've now podficced over 100 stories and that requires celebration! Like giving away more podfic! Come on over
here and have a little fun with me :D
Stargate: SG-1
Never Trust An Artefact Author:
antares04aPairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC-17
Season: 8
Summary: Daniel learns something new about artefacts.
Warnings: light D/s situation
MP3 || Length: 26:03 min || Size: 23.9mb
The One Where They're All... Ducks?Author:
sunsetmogFandom: Bandom: My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy,
Pairing: Well, they're all ducks. But Frank/Gerard, Pete/Mikey. Possible future pairings if I ever come back to this.
Rating: Bad language. PG.
Word Count: 2,761.
Summary: Gerard's feathers brushed Frank's beak. "Quack," Gerard said, for want of something better to say.
MP3 || Length: 19:44 min || Size: 18.2mb
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
The Past, in PluralAuthor:
seperisFandom: T:SCC
Rating: PG
Summary: This place is the one they always come back to.
MP3 || Length: 10:46 min || Size: 9.9mb