SOOO I pull this one off my myspace - its a crapton of random facts about me .... some are funny , some interesting and some might make you say hmmmmm
. My bestfriend and I were meant to be - our sons basically have the same name , and her hiddle name is my first name -spelled differently
2. I could honestly live without tv
3. I worry about how other people feel too much.
4. I'm going to stop number 3
5. I have a box of green Fender Delrin guitar picks in my top drawer in my desk-just to chew on while I'm on the computer
6. I think I've found a path , just not sure how to get on said path
7. I love technology.
8. I hate technology
9. As of today its been just over one year and one month and two weeks sinceI very sipmly put -should have died.
10. I hate dust
11.I think fish are weird
12. I had a pet rat when I was in 4th grade
13. My right eye is a slightly different color than my left , those who really pay attention will notice this.
14. I used to chew my nails like a mad woman
15. I think the weather in the state of Virginia is bi-polar
16. I think roses are absoloutely overrated
17. I love the smell after it rains
18. I cant stand things being right up in my face
19. I am absoloutely comfortable with meeting new people.
20. Change concerns me, yet I want it
21. People fascinate me
22. It highly annoys me when people who are not parents try to give parenting advice - the same with really really old random people
23. I do not truely hate anyone.
24. I have HORRIBLE handwriting!
25. I don’t use umbrellas when it’s raining. I see no point , embrace the rain
26. Some people are rather confused by my political views - I dont really fit in any category
27. Occasionally, I feel that I’m not smart enough or I don’t have enough general knowledge to do what I really want in life.
28. I really do not think I could name one favorite movie if I had to.
29. The above goes for musician as well
30. My favorite color is grey - varying shades.
31. I would love to be able to go back in time , not to necessarily changes things , but to observe.
32. I think photography is a great way of self expression
33. I can knit , however I could more than likely only knit a scarf.
34. I love green peppers.
35. There are only a few that I know that I genuinely could care less about their existance.
36. When I truely love , I love hard
37. I think everyone should see the redwoods atleast once - its very humbling.
38. I used to bitch about having curly hair - I now miss it.
39. I love old delapidated buildings.
40. I am alergic to bees.
41. And Coconut.
42. I think Great Danes & English Bulldogs are awesome.
43. I don't like snakes but at one point we had 6.
44. I read and enjoyed Harry Potter.
45. I can honestly look back & see the exact point in my life where I had that open window.
46. I can also see that point where said window closed & I'm ready to chip away the paint & reopen it.
47. Most people who think they know me - are wrong.
48. I can never forgive and forget, because I never forget.
49. I talk to myself.
50. I have never smoked weed.
51. I have never tried drugs, never will.
52. I sometimes feel the need to apologize for things that are not my fault,.
53. My paternal grandfather's history fascinates me
54. I used to have an issue with wanting to make everyone else happy.
55. I carefully plan my schedules of doing work, but I never follow them.
56. I hate going to sleep, and I hate waking up.
57. I live pretty much an hour away from DC but havent seen anything other than the Mall.
58. I tend to be easily annoyed.
59. I've broken my nose more times than normal.
60. I think taking cold medicine is somewhat rediculous.
61. I'm NOT an organ donor.
62. I get nervous when people stand, walk, or sit behind me.
63. At times I wish incapable of showing emotion.
64. I’m cold on the outside and warm on the inside.
65. I strongly believed Severus Snape was really on the good side. I was right!
66. I HATE being stopped on a bridge for fear it will collapse.
67. I am extremely creative when I am alone.
68. My left foot is just slightly longer than my right.
69. I think my ugly blue leather computer chair is the best.
70. I have long fingers great for playing piano with the exception of my short ass thumbs.
71. It saddens me when people I know die , especially those I have not talked to in a while, it gives me a sense of regret , however helps me to realize that my tomorrow may not come, and I need to embrace today and live for now.
72. I used to love sitting out on top of the roof of my bestfriends barn, though I'm not sure her mom liked us up there too much.
73. I have many good ideas, however a few I feel would make others feel like someone is trying to steal their thunder so I wont even bring them up even though I should since I know those people honestly could care less about other people.
74. I used to frequently practice Oscar acceptance speeches.
75. I prefer jeans.
76. I've been accused of wearing false eyelashes , no mine really are that awesome - thank you genetics.
77. I have this thing about cleaning my ears I always have to do it , the thought of dirty ears freaks me out.
78. I'm the same way about brushing my teeth.
79. Everytime I smell CoolWater it reminds me of my friend Des' Prelude and the good times we had.
80. I love old people. They have many things to tell, especially my neighbor.
81. I think my 3rd grade teacher is the reason I am addicted to books.
82. I have dreams that are so vivid its scary.
83. A have a recurring nightmare that I will never tell anyone about.
84. I want to travel.
85. I used to be freaked out by our house , now I enjoy its oldness
86. I live for my sunglasses.
87. I’m not close with certain memebers of my family that I probably should be.
88. I can take almost any song and relate it somehow to life , or a certain situation , moment or period in life.
89. I am buddhist.
90. I have a better grasp on things than I sometimes should.
91. I listen more than people realize.
92. I am a huge procrastinator , but am very impatient.
93. My hair has its own personality and that personality varies from day to day.
94. My father brought me my favorite food twice when I was in the hospital, it acctually meant alot to me
95. I have more dvds and music than I know what to do with.
96. I would love to have a library , all to myself.
97. The physical concept of aging really fascinates me.
98. I have many first chapters of novels written. But none have a second chapter.
99. I crack my knuckles even though I know of the suposed long-term negative effects of it.
100. I and not afraid of dying , just really worried that someone will think its a good idea to have me cremated, even though I'll be dead the thought of cremation really freaks me out- what if they get someone else's ashes?
101. I can’t WAIT to go home, when that day finally comes that will be a happy happy day even if its 10 years from now. .