Roundabout Driveby, Bumruckus, High School Football Heroes, Foxtrostky, Slumber Party Massacre in Downtown Newnan AND FOR ONLY 5 DOLLARS!? WOW!!!
i have no idea who the other bands are..if they suck, dont blame me. but do know that SPM will tear this house show apart!!
call my cell, or im me for directions. AIMisloadsofcrap.
be there or die.
May 19, 2004 22:05
AHHHHHHHH!!! I am going crazy. i have found that i cannot sit in a car and not feel like im about to go crazy. i always thinking "what if someone comes over on my lane, or what if the person im with crosses centerline" ahh, i just need to get over this. it has been like 2 months. omg i dont even know what im going to do when i start to drive again
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May 17, 2004 13:05
hey guys...i was just on listeing to a little bit of the chariot. and i always love reading josh's little updates and things. he always has something interesting or clever to write. well...he wrote this and it made me think. I know its long..but its about our generation. so please, take time and read it. it will make you think too...
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