We're like the postal service

Mar 30, 2016 08:23

So went to ride last night, and a little storm that had not previously shown up on my weather forecast drifted in. I was already tacked up and on, and the forecast for today and tomorrow is rain and snow, so I thought maybe we'd do a little work, and if it cleared up we'd do a little more ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

serennig March 30 2016, 20:25:46 UTC
I'm so guilty of wanting to be a fair weather rider these days. There's days it looks gross out so I don't even want to walk out to get my horse from the paddock. So kudos to you for riding through it!

And clean tack. I love clean tack. :)


diaryofarider March 31 2016, 13:59:38 UTC
It's been a case of choosing a lesser evil. "It's not great today, but it's going to be MUCH WORSE tomorrow..."
I'm trying desperately to not have to start my season in June like last year. To be fair, there was really nothing to be done last year, we had basically a solid month of rain. But my hope is this year will be somewhat better and that maybe we can actually SHOW this year because it won't take till August before we are in shape.
Clean tack is lovely, but now I'm like "Oh no, if it's muddy the tack will get dirty, nooooooo" :)


re_vised March 31 2016, 03:04:55 UTC
Ugh. I need to clean my tack...

The weather has been annoying, to say the least!


diaryofarider March 31 2016, 14:02:49 UTC
Yeah, I'm ready for the snow and rain to be done and some nice weather. It can rain 1 day a week. Say, Mondays. ;)


re_vised April 1 2016, 17:55:27 UTC


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