Hi. So this is my first ever post and I feel I ought to introduce myself but instead I'm going to ramble on about the TW radio plays.
OMFG! I just listened to the last one and OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. *ahem* sorry I appear to have slightly lost it. I have to say that I enjoyed all three, although I kind of didn't want to. But that last one.... Oh!My!God!!!! I can't help feeling that it was very much a "let's try and appease all the fans we alienated with COE" storyline there, like if they make us feel better then we'll all want to watch Miracle Day (which incidentally I was going to watch anyway - points to icon). But it does feel like they've cheapened it slightly too. I mean the only reason they've done that is to try to undo some of the damage that COE did (personally I don't think that's possible). I feel like if there hadn't been so much uproar over COE then "House of the Dead" would never have been written and, although I did cry at it (I cry at everything), I feel a little kind of let down because why couldn't they just have got it right with COE?
*sighs* oh well, without COE I might never have discovered fanfic, so for that I am grateful. It had to be good for something right?
Anyway. You may well get another ramble tomorrow about MD, although I'm not going to watch it 'til later as I feel the pub quiz is much more important!
I'll do a proper first post at some point but I had to write this because, well I just had to :)
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