ok, so this is that last egypt post.
i'll be brief.
more boats
emotional moments with pillars
lots of temples
an awsome (random) irish pub? haha, i dunno why there was an irish pub in luxor. but there was and we went. and danced all night. matt and yakout had a drinking race, seen above.
you were supposed to fun around this scarab 7 times for fertility, but none of us really feel the need to bear children right now, so we only ran around about 1 and a half times. ah well.
more temples
caitlin and i were in competition for yakout the whole trip. i think i won, but whatever. nancy is waving in the background, she wanted to be in the competition too. haha, but no.
and the trip ended with some amazing hooka. we had a 3:45 am flight, so we smoked hooka all night until we had to leave for the airport at midnight. thats a lot of hooka. and funness.
i love egypt. the end :)