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Comments 44

radowan August 20 2009, 18:17:49 UTC
Oh, I can relate and understand. My folks were (and still are) deep in the L i b y a n revolution politics and while the rest is too dangerous to talk about here, I think that you can imagine. *frowns*


didip August 20 2009, 18:30:06 UTC
yeah, I can imagine that.
My father also did some stuff (during the Balkan War) that is too dangerous to be heard by anyone.
He's afraid of bugs...


radowan August 20 2009, 18:33:50 UTC
yeah, I can totally understand that. Bugs can be everywhere.

It's much less dangerous to talk about hot guys being friends, isn't it? xDD


didip August 20 2009, 18:36:36 UTC
loool, indeed XD

but maybe we're just too paranoid °_°


ranty_rie August 21 2009, 03:30:39 UTC
Oh, ick! I hope things don't take a turn for the worse, it sounds pretty nerve-wrecking.




didip August 21 2009, 09:25:23 UTC
There's still a chance that these stupid laws will not get passed, 'cause it's election time °_°


aiki August 21 2009, 10:39:10 UTC
Hey, right, I haven't thought of that because it's been decided already.
Mabye it'll be like Stuttgart 21. :D Haha... |D


didip August 21 2009, 10:48:12 UTC
Stuttgart 21 wird wohl erst irgendwann im 22. Jahrhundert umgesetzt :P möge es bis in die Ewigkeit verschoben werden.

Es heißt auch, dass das Gesetz erst mal an die EU-Kommission geschickt worden ist, und erst nach den Wahl..erm "zur Kenntnis" genommen wird °_° wodurch das Gesetz vorerst verfällt.
Steht hier.
Toll, dass Gesetzesentwürfe ein Verfallsdatum haben XD


chibi_wolvie September 6 2009, 14:08:33 UTC
Jaja, Zensur-Ursula *stareup* Noch sind wir keine Diktatur wie in China, wo sämtliche Seiten gesperrt sind die auch nur das Wort: Kritik oder ähnliches enthalten und wo Blog-Schreiber anhand ihrer I-Net-ID zurückverfolgt werden, verhaftet und eingebuchtet - ohne Prozess versteht sich.

Dann wäre ich ja mit meinem letzten Kolumneneintrag auch bald an der Reihe, ich hab kritik an der Politik geübt - komm ich getz ins Fernsehen? - Nein! Ach ja, Hi Ursula *wink* ^^

Btw. cooles V - Vendetta pic ^^ *runterlad*


date_masamune69 November 22 2009, 14:40:46 UTC
muslims are targeted everywhere TAT

well i guess if you filtered well at least you will have some tranquility!

I'll give you advice ;)

first look at the comment they post if they don't post any comments or few you can exclu them
Look at their entries! If the person has an empty lj or his lj entries are insignificant like "i ate an apple it was good" you can exclu them!

Most of them are spammers are may be member who wanna stalk us!

At least this is what i'm doing now!

by the way i wanna introduce myself to you i'm roro chan 24 and from france!Muslim too but i hope we will get along, cause a canaan fan and reborn fan like both of us are made to be friend ^_^


didip November 22 2009, 14:51:21 UTC
Yeah, I'm good at detecting spammers and don't add any friends without checking out their profiles and journals, so I'm save, I think :)

I think I've seen you on hitman_reborn..? Your nickname sounds familiar :D
*adds you*
But don't have any expectations of me ~_~ I claim to be a muslim but I'm very sceptical about the islam sometimes ~_~


date_masamune69 November 22 2009, 15:12:50 UTC
yeah i 'm careful too xD

yeah i'm there ^_^
*adds back*

Oh you know the one who make doubts about this religion are just some asshole who decide to change some things and claim as if it's god who told them or it was write on the qu'ran!

I'm very careful with that and no matter what people said, i believe in what my parents learn me and i think this is the good way to go!

After all to be a muslim is to love, to be in peace to help each other not to explosed ourselves in a non sens and claim that they will go to heaven by killing innocents :/

I'm sad that you are doubting but if you have a question to ask me i'll be glad to help you ^_^

And on the other hand i have a canaan commu nity if you wanna join too named 428_animation and sorry if i will spam your f/list because i talk too much lol


didip November 22 2009, 15:29:10 UTC
Well, the people who are going on my nerves are mostly Imams who misinterpret the Quran.The verses in the Quran can have many meanings and some of the imam's explanations sound ridiculous and illogical...
I also believe in what my father teaches me, but my mother picks up every stuff that is taught in the mosque and tries to change our livestyle to match the new islamic laws.
An example: My mom told me that non-islamic women are considered as men, so we're not allowed to take off the veil in front of these women ~_~
It contradicts the meaning of the veil which is meant to protect women from men. But being protected from other women is not necessary ಠ_ಠ

Sorry, I'm not that much into Canaan ;_; I loved the anime until two 3 of my fav charas died T_T


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didip March 5 2010, 05:47:27 UTC
xD okay. I've been thinking of asking you the same XD


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didip March 5 2010, 10:48:25 UTC
Probably forever ._. some people didn't want to be added when I asked them, that's why I became uncertain.


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