let's travel back in time and look back at the year that was 2006. because i'm bored and my new laptop is fun to play with. let the roller coaster begin.
new years eve was spent with my friend cole. we had a couple bottles of wine and watched meg ryan & tom hanks movies. first new years kiss ever. kewl.
this month i was closer to jac than ever. she was my rock and a crutch to lean on.
this, my friends was the beginning of juditia. what a wonderful and glorious time we had.
i met travis this month, too. and he continued to be a large pat of my life for the rest of the year. go figure.
ellese died this month. completely unexpected. but the sky was never as beautiful as it was the week of her death. we all knew it was her.
lindsay and i became super close this month. she was my lady love and we were pretty much inseperable.
travis was my (horrible) valentine. my first valentine ever. huh. lindsay and i spent valentines day in bed..literally. we didn't get out of bed...only to change movies and get the pizza when it was delivered. that night we went to chain to go see a little band called the audition. i didn't know who they were, but danny and i spent the rest of the night talking and i formed a great friendship with him.
march...ummm i don't know. haha. by the time march came around, the friendships i had formed over the past months had started to wind down. who knows why. maybe they do. but people change, i guess. things change, situations change.
i started talking to matthew this month. we started a pseudo-relationship. it was nice having someone to talk to for hours. i'd never really had that.
i started getting more inspired to take pictures. i won't show those, here. because that's embarassing. i picked up my pen to write more. i felt creative. it was nice.
jac was hanging out with audrey at this point. our friendship was over. it was sad seeing three years of closeness go down the drain so fast. hopefuly it can still be mended.
i was still hooked on travis. i guess neither of us knew what we really wanted. i went to see him in azusa, it was good. i don't feel the need to talk when i'm around him. he thinks it's because i'm uncomfortable. it's not. it's the opposite. but he found out i was talking to matthew. he was upset. so...then i started dating matthew. people make mistakes.
i statred hanging out with carly, again. that was refreshing.
not a lot of excitement this month. a lot of picnics. and pictures with flowers.
june third i flew out to phoenix to visit matthew and be there for his first show. i met dylan and p.j. on this trip. some of the best people i have ever come into contact with. i was incredibly lucky to have met them.
then i dyed my hair.
at the end of the month, walk small and matthew came out on tour. p.j. was in california for some odd reason. (i still don't know why???) so i was complete again.
i also started hanging out at jordan harkins house for days on end. a very garden state-esque time in my life. "i guess i'll see you guys later."
i saved a cat this month. she was adorable. jordan bathed her an di fed her. i named her hope.
july was also the end of matthew and candace.
i gave every ounce of effort i had towards salvaging a friendship with travis. and then every ounce of effort i had went into salvaging more than a friendship with travis.
i had a core group of friends. jarrett and i started hanging out all the time, again. i swear, whenever we start up again, it's like we never stopped. i love having him in my life. even when he pisses me off. because he's really the only one who understands me and doesn't take my bullshit. and vice versa.
this was my entourage of men month. jarrett, j.p., steve, graham. never ending nights in l.a. wandering the streets singing at the top of our lungs. 3 a.m. swim parties. dinosaur marathon. malibu bbq.
idaho summer with the fam. i really learned to appreciate my family this year. i'm so lucky to have every single one of them. especially amanda. she's my guiding light and i don't think i could get through much without her love and support.
and just enjoying summer in general. jill and i were very close at this point in the year. i can't seem to keep a best girl friend. this upsets me.
travis and i were...as close as we ever were. our heads were in the same place at the same time for the first time.
i was as happy and satisfied as i had ever been. he would beg to differ. but he likes to make up my mind for me. i don't know how i could really convince him how much i care about him. i do love him. really, i do.
my grandmother passed away this month.
the end of travis and candace. what's the point?
bright side, brittni came to california. and i made a new best friend. i adore her.
met the oh, sleeper boys. hopefully shane and i can keep up a friendship. he's nice to talk to. and i love having people to talk to.
annnnd i met brandon. he brings laughter. lots and lots of laughter.
i also started my career as a hairstylist. big steps.
most uneventful birthday i have ever had. i didn't expect a phone call or anything from a certain someone, but that doens't mean i didn't hope for one. silly me.
becky has been a constant in my life since i met her. she deserves an entire entry deoted to only her. because she means that much to me.
and bud and i go without saying. six years of friendship. i can just lie in bed with him and everything seems ok.
carlton hair parties galoooooore! working everyday has been a pleasant distraction. it keeps me incredibly busy and i don't mind it as much as i thought i would.
and it doens't hurt that everyone in my salon drinks as much as i do. hah.
she's my boss. haha.
and i'm sure i'll have a wonderful new years update seeing as i ran into jac today and she invited me to whatever it is they're doing. meaning...we'll be drunk and happy.
things to look forward to in 2007:
moving in with becky!
getting on the floor at my salon
parents moving to texas!
seeing brittni a whoooole lot more
and hopefully plenty more surprises.