L - On August 27th, year 2000, Sasori Akasuna physically assaulted a man, and the court proceedings lasted almost two weeks, but he was cleared of charges and went away to visit his godmother in Africa and traveled Europe for some four years to avoid further confrontation. On September 13th, year 2000, Takeashi Sasaki committed himself - an odd occurrence, as he was always forcibly committed - saying that he was about to have a nervous breakdown. He was in the institute for the same time Sasori Akasuna was in Europe; however, Sasori Akasuna returned to America, and was seen at various hospital charities, two months before Takeashi Sasaki was released, after his longest stay ever.
However, a thought to consider - in the police report of the assault, the police officers described Sasori Akasuna as "visibly shaken", adding that he was willing to spend a night in jail rather than describe the circumstances and details of the attack. Eventually, he confessed to his lawyer with a judge present, but the information is not on record. This would perhaps be something to question him on. Something to see whether or not his reaction to the incident could be called a "nervous breakdown". - N
Kurenai Yuuhi, as you are healed of your viral infection, I am prepared to meet with you at any time.