Something else to take up...

Aug 29, 2010 22:55

I can finally let my creative juices flow instead of just oogling crafty things/projects. I've started taking up sewing. I'll just say... the most i knew, was how to turn on a sewing machine.

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dump, crafts, sewing

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Comments 7

merrygolds August 31 2010, 00:03:48 UTC
Wow, that looks really fun! :D I've always wanted to try sewing and make cute things like that, but I totally freak out around anything pointy haha.

I hear stray cats crying in my neighborhood almost every night. Makes me sad. :'(


dieaku August 31 2010, 00:45:48 UTC
It's quite relaxing, too. :]
Oh, I hear ya. I'm dead careful around it. ha.

Gah. It was heartbreaking. It went on all night. ;_;


dieaku August 31 2010, 00:49:29 UTC
Guh. Even though it sounds lame, i love knowing an internetz bud is close by. :D
i live just around 3 hours from L.A. :3

haha. yea. lame. :33


merrygolds September 2 2010, 03:54:56 UTC
Haha yeah, I know what you mean. It's nice knowing someone from the Internet that's not too far away~ Most of the Internet peoplez I meet are either in an another state or in another country. I'm actually from the San Fran area but I go to school in San Diego so we are pretty close by! :)


yay! ext_241052 September 1 2010, 21:14:45 UTC
Terri, I'm so happy for you!! :DD
We should totally host craft parties in Santa Maria sometime. Cause I swear, SM is plain lame when it comes to things like that.


Re: yay! dieaku September 2 2010, 02:56:34 UTC
Yeah! =D
I always wanted to do these things but i dont know if i actually would've ever gotten my butt to do it if you hadnt inspired me to go for it! :D
And yes, yes it is. I will absodefinately go visit you at SC. :]


Re: yay! ext_241052 September 3 2010, 00:46:32 UTC
OH you better!! :D I'll try to find some cool things to do around santa cruz hahaha
and plus, i'll be coming down ever so often too ^^


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