I changed a Maquis Chakotay into New Earth Chakotay. I have plans for another New Earth Chakotay plus two Kathryns to go with it.
Since he wore his Maquis Vest in the "Resolutions" episode it was just a matter of repaint.
I cut off the shirt collar and formed an open V neck for the other shirt:
The hands of an artist! LOL
I mixed blue and white to get the light blue shirt.
I love how the leather vest came out! I mixed three colors to get it right and then went over it with a darker brown and dry brush to bring out the seams, folds and creases better.
You need to soften the plastic by putting it into hot water:
But even so I had to cut off a bit from the plug as it did not fit through the hole.
Getting the head back on was more difficult than getting it off, I even gave myself a blister!